Has anybody else noticed a shocking amount of deathbane and vs undead items popping up recently? usually i wouldnt think anything of it, but ever 1/3 golds ive gotten in the last few weeks has had one on it, ive actually filled up my assassin with them
is it just me?
Deathbane, Undead Mods
Just you I think.
I agree, it's probably just you. I haven't gotten one for, I don't know. I don't know if I ever DID get one
I haven't noticed an increase either. In my experience, these mods still occur at similar rates to other creature-specific mods (pruning, dwarfslaying, demonslaying, etc). Why are there no human-slaying mods? Plenty of creatures in the game fit that description.
must just be me, hope undead are the new thing to farm, i got a full bag of perfect mods ^^
still, an amazing amount im getting
still, an amazing amount im getting
Originally Posted by WLlama
I haven't noticed an increase either. In my experience, these mods still occur at similar rates to other creature-specific mods (pruning, dwarfslaying, demonslaying, etc). Why are there no human-slaying mods? Plenty of creatures in the game fit that description.