The game industry is not what it used to be. The current generation of gamers play games that lack any sort of originality...(for the most parts)!
Guild Wars is a breath of fresh air, and I have to say that im totally crazy about this game.
No, I don't care if it's got a fee or not!
It's just the concept. I have wanted a fantasy action RPG that would reward player skill over being a freaking gear depended idiot!
But this game should not be compared to MMOs! Neither should it be compared to your normal online RPGs like NeverwinterNights or Dungeon Siege.
It stands on it's own.
I see this is a fun and instant entertaining game, like a first person shooter you enjoy. What makes guild wars cool is the combination of the skills that you have. And the fact that it rewards skill over your uber equipment.
This game is not designed to support a player through 16 hours of day gameplay like some MMOs are able to offer. I think and feel that that is not what GW is about.
What is cool though is that you can jump in and have instant fun.
With all this being said, the game still has more work needed.
Im impressed with the character creation! Not only because the character models are very life like but also have great art to boot. It's almost like a mixture of the great realism from SWG combined with the cool art design of Wow. But there should be more heads, hairstyles and so on, but it's great never the less.
As far as the combat goes im impressed as well. When I walk into battle with my warrior, and his sword and his shield I almost feel like Achillis, in troy(and that's a good thing because he kicks arse:P)! The game got stunning real time animations. THis alone gives me a great fundement of enjoying combat. And the fact it still maintains to have these cool animations it does not get twich based like other real time sword games(Jedi Knight: Academy comes to mind)!
Maybe the game also needs more social aspects. I would love to have sit emotes and stuff like that. For when im waiting for my guildmates or just being AFK. It would be great to have pubs as well just to interacte, even if they wouldnt have any features. Just to make the outposts and cities more life like.
I really enjoy the quests in guild wars. Having done 3 missions already I have to say that the cut scenes add allot of cinematic godness. But I have to say that I would strongly suggest ArenaNet to implant voice overs for the NPCs. Why I feel this, is because the the text shown above the head can be a bit hard to read because the game goes fast.
With that I would also love to comment on the AI. Lets face it.. No MMO to date can compare themselfs to Halos or Far Crys and do all kinds of crazy scripted stuff. But Guild Wars does have a great job. I have never had a problem with Hencemens not following me, or any of that stuff. Having gone through the smooth torturial 3 times now it has also always been a smooth experience and interacting with the NPCs. I also feel the enemy is great. On the 3 mission, the enemies would start going after my monk hencemen - This is a great tactic and I had do to allot of tactical desicions to take down the foul creatures and save my healing hencemen.
The grapichs. Ohh my gosh. Im sitting on a totally crappy geforce fx 5200! I couldnt even run Doom 3 in the lowest setting possible with more than 5 FPS! In guild wars i get something like 15-20 in 1024x800 with everything on max. Im extremely impressed how great the quality is. When you get around the world and just watch birds flying in the tree, it is just amazing.
The architecture and art is awsome aswell. How the old ruins in the beginner cities so cool blends itself into the large green mountains is awsome. And the best of it is that it does not feel like your avarage Tolkien Rip off.
I feel that GW tries to be different, and it is.
What makes me sad is when WoW and EQ2 fanboys comming around on the fansites saying all sorts of stuff like its a cheesy diablo and noob game for losers with no money and what not.
This game got so much potential.
I just want to clap hands for arenanet and say that what they are doing is great!
I have not tested PvP yet but cant wait to try

Thinking back on it all - the things you didnt know, the things you did know. I still remember that event. you started at lvl 15 in LA. That was before we was even told that there was going to be a pre-searing!

To me it brings back alot of memories.. particularly the old title screen and music. GW really has come far.. im sort of sad that Anet have never been more open.
the friday features before the game came out where alot of fun I recall. its been good times in the larger scheme of things IMO!