I've just started earning my 10k unspent luxon faction, as I've got masters on 12 missions (being Kurzick) and want the protector title.
Anyway, I go to cavalon, obtain all the quests, and visited every outpost before Gayla....and I'm on 5000 faction with two quests to go.
Now, either more quests appear after these two, or im doing a lot of 400 repeats.
When I played Kurzick, I only did one 400 repeat quest and I still made the 10k faction without any hassle.
With luxon it looks like I'll struggle...
Is it harder on the luxon side in this respect?
Luxon Faction
although some will call it cheap.. just get guested into a luxon guild then go and have some fun with alliance battles.. that way you can have fun and gain a good ammount of faction..
just be sure to play good or no one will wanna hang out with ya
just be sure to play good or no one will wanna hang out with ya

when I played Luxon side (first trip through) I had to run the supplies a lot before I made my 10k. I'm pretty sure I came back and realized I missed a bunch of quests, but they're much harder to find on the Luxon side compared to the Kurzick side.
Honestly, go with what Narutoscryed said, that's good advice. MUCH better than Supply Runs. *HATE*
Honestly, go with what Narutoscryed said, that's good advice. MUCH better than Supply Runs. *HATE*
Doing every Kurzick quest gets you about 12000 faction, whereas doing every Luxon quest gets you only about 7000. The best way is to get a guest invitation to a Luxon guild and AB, that's what I did.
When I asked for a guest invitation 95% of the people thought I was running a scam of some kind
, and just ignored me. But there are a few kind people out there who are willing to help others. Give them some Jadeite as thanks.
When I asked for a guest invitation 95% of the people thought I was running a scam of some kind