Seeing what enemies have on them...
I'm using one of the warrior skills that causes "bleeding". Is there a way to tell if the character is bleeding? I notice that there is a red down arrow in the enemy hit points area, but I can't tell if that's bleeding, or something that somebody else has done to them.
Generally speaking, if an enemy has bleeding on them, their health bar turns pink...add poison or disease to the mix and it turns green. Green always seems to supercede the pink...dunno why. You can tell the bleeding is still there by the down arrow on the bar...additional hexes and conditions causing degen will also show up here. So, if the bar is green and one's just poison/disease...with additional arrows and you used a bleeding causing skill...chances are, one of the arrows was put there by you...Disclaimer: I'm colorblind (just a bit) so if any colors mentioned here are wrong...I accept responsibility in so far as I've described the colors as I see ' there :P
generally speaking if its bleeding then the enemies health bar should go to a shaded red...if its bleeding...although if it gets other conditions...hex, poison..over *after* your bleeding then its really hard to opinion is if in doubt stab again :P
Some conditions/hexes will change the color of your target's health bar. Bleeding makes it lighter (pink-ish), a degen hex such as conjure phantasm will make it bright purple and poison and disease will make it green.
Note that hex degen will override bleeding and poison/disease will override both. If your bleeding was covered with a hex, you can only tell it's NOT there if the "down arrow" indicating a condition on the right side of the bar is gone.
If there's no condition removal around you can simply assume your target will bleed the full duration your skill causes and go from there. If there is condition removal, it's best to "stab again" :P
Note that hex degen will override bleeding and poison/disease will override both. If your bleeding was covered with a hex, you can only tell it's NOT there if the "down arrow" indicating a condition on the right side of the bar is gone.
If there's no condition removal around you can simply assume your target will bleed the full duration your skill causes and go from there. If there is condition removal, it's best to "stab again" :P
Former Ruling
Note: where this gets stupid is when they have Something like Poison AND Bleeding on them.
Since the Poison color takes over their bar, and both use the same down arrow indicating a condition is on them, you have no way of knowing if they are still bleeding or if they are only poisoned now.
This gets frustrating as ALL GET OUT when you look at Poison and disease in the Same Team..(like a tainted and cripshot on the same team). Because their changes to the health bar are the same, telling if they are just poisoned or Diseased or BOTH is almost impossible especailly factoring in disease "spreads".
Since the Poison color takes over their bar, and both use the same down arrow indicating a condition is on them, you have no way of knowing if they are still bleeding or if they are only poisoned now.
This gets frustrating as ALL GET OUT when you look at Poison and disease in the Same Team..(like a tainted and cripshot on the same team). Because their changes to the health bar are the same, telling if they are just poisoned or Diseased or BOTH is almost impossible especailly factoring in disease "spreads".
Thanks for the responses.
The problem is that I have two skills, one causes bleeding and the other does more damage if the enemy is bleeding.
I hate having to "stab again" just because I'm wasting points and time, when I could be doing more damage.
But from what I'm hearing, there isn't a way around it.
Oh well, thanks again.
The problem is that I have two skills, one causes bleeding and the other does more damage if the enemy is bleeding.
I hate having to "stab again" just because I'm wasting points and time, when I could be doing more damage.
But from what I'm hearing, there isn't a way around it.
Oh well, thanks again.
Originally Posted by Coridan
generally speaking if its bleeding then the enemies health bar should go to a shaded red...if its bleeding...although if it gets other conditions...hex, poison..over *after* your bleeding then its really hard to opinion is if in doubt stab again :P
Its actually visible for the eye as well, a bleeding character has a misty ring of 'blood' around them,
With some creatures this is hard to spot, but look for it rougly at kneel level.
With some creatures this is hard to spot, but look for it rougly at kneel level.
Let me guess those stabbing amazing leet skills that you have are called sever artery and gash..
Its easy to see if they have bleeding + poison or just bleeding, just look at the rate the enemy degens. just bleeding is 4 pipes (correct me if im wrong) with poison it would be -8.
Its easy to see if they have bleeding + poison or just bleeding, just look at the rate the enemy degens. just bleeding is 4 pipes (correct me if im wrong) with poison it would be -8.
Generally I'm attacking with a few other people. That sort of makes the degen rate useless, don't you think? I can't tell if it's my bleeding that's doing the damage, or somebody else's attack.
If I understand you correctly.
Generally I'm attacking with a few other people. That sort of makes the degen rate useless, don't you think? I can't tell if it's my bleeding that's doing the damage, or somebody else's attack.
If I understand you correctly.
Originally Posted by Franco
Let me guess those stabbing amazing leet skills that you have are called sever artery and gash..
Its easy to see if they have bleeding + poison or just bleeding, just look at the rate the enemy degens. just bleeding is 4 pipes (correct me if im wrong) with poison it would be -8. |
Mmm because you were so worried about the damage i thought you were soloing, What makes you think you are the only one in the group doing damage then? And degen is never useless, Are you saying a Wither, Migraine and other degen pressure builds are useless?
And sever artery is mostly used not because of the bleeding but the ability to do the sever+Gash combo which causes deep wound the worst condition in this game to have.
And what is there that you dont understand about pipes ?
And sever artery is mostly used not because of the bleeding but the ability to do the sever+Gash combo which causes deep wound the worst condition in this game to have.
And what is there that you dont understand about pipes ?
Originally Posted by Franco
Let me guess those stabbing amazing leet skills that you have are called sever artery and gash..
Its easy to see if they have bleeding + poison or just bleeding, just look at the rate the enemy degens. just bleeding is 4 pipes (correct me if im wrong) with poison it would be -8. |
Its actually visible for the eye as well, a bleeding character has a misty ring of 'blood' around them,
With some creatures this is hard to spot, but look for it rougly at kneel level./quote...
excellent point i totally forgot about that but then again i am usually zoomed way out and not paying as close attention to that i maybe i should be...
With some creatures this is hard to spot, but look for it rougly at kneel level./quote...
excellent point i totally forgot about that but then again i am usually zoomed way out and not paying as close attention to that i maybe i should be...
Also look for those lovely -00 (negative numbers) in yellow that fly around the foe they tell you how much actual damage you are doing as you only see your numbers, though it wont tell you the degen speed that you can see just by watching the pips and spped their health bar drops.
Originally Posted by Franco
And degen is never useless, Are you saying a Wither, Migraine and other degen pressure builds are useless?
Some people may not have excellent "pixel decrease to degen rate" translators in their brains.
And what is there that you dont understand about pipes ? |