How do you redeem kurzick/luxon faction other than 5000 at a time?
I saw this in a thread in Screenshot Exposition and this person has 500 kurz faction redeemed...
Reedeeming 500 faction?
That person had 500 Kurzick points when they transferred 5000 Luxon points to the guild. For some reason the game counts the Kurzick point loss towards the title as well.
That doesn't make any sense, which guild did the Kurzick faction get donated to then? I've had Luxon faction before when I donated Kurzick, and I don't have the "Friend of the Luxons" title track. You lose faction with one side when you redeem faction with the other.
it was a bug that was fixed shortly after the release of factions, donating faction to your side causes you to loose an equivilent amount of opposing side faction. The bug was that this loss was counted towards the title when it shouldn't have been, I believe this has since been fixed.
Oh OK. Yeah I'm sure it doesn't happen any more.