Treasure Hunter Title
What are high end chests? Is it just fow uw the deep things like that or are luxon,kurzick and shiverpeak high end as well?
Go to guildwiki's info about titles here:
If you didn't go to the site, high-end chests are chests for which you've paid a minimum of 600g for a key.
If you didn't go to the site, high-end chests are chests for which you've paid a minimum of 600g for a key.
High end chests is: FoW, UW, The Deep, Urgoz's Warren chests (Dont remember the name of them), Luxon, Kurzick, Shiverpeak and thoes in the Ring of Fire, dont remember the name of them either :P
I always forget about wiki...sry about that. TY for the info I appreciate it. Have a good day!

A Leprechaun
i have this title woop woop woop
and yes i got it from farming southeern shiverpeak chest
~A Leprechaun~
and yes i got it from farming southeern shiverpeak chest
~A Leprechaun~
dj deviate
but in order to max this title you need to open 10,000 chests
so if you bought all the keys at 600g this title would cost you 6,000,000g
or though you would need yup with alot of good items so some of those would pay for itself but its alot of grind
so if you bought all the keys at 600g this title would cost you 6,000,000g
or though you would need yup with alot of good items so some of those would pay for itself but its alot of grind

Former Ruling
Originally Posted by CTU
High end chests is: FoW, UW, The Deep, Urgoz's Warren chests (Dont remember the name of them), Luxon, Kurzick, Shiverpeak and thoes in the Ring of Fire, dont remember the name of them either :P

Any chest whose key costs 600hp+ at the merchant (note: you dont have to actually pay that much for them..if you own a town and buy your keys for 480..same diff)
A Leprechaun
i have this title woop woop woop
and yes i got it from farming southeern shiverpeak chest
~A Leprechaun~
and yes i got it from farming southeern shiverpeak chest
~A Leprechaun~
A Leprechaun
sry for double post
Scorpion Boy
I did all my runs (Lvl 3 Treasure Hunter) all in Witmans Folly, that's outside Port Sledge. Got some good stuff nothing special though..
Ah Port Sledge is boring -_- and people only speak german there but Yeah it is a nice place to chest run, I got my r1 treasure hunter in there ^^
Xiaxhou of Trinity
So any chest which the key cost 600g or more? And here I was thinking it was only gold chests that counted for the title......Time to snag a new title =]
Tuor Son Of Huor
Shiverpeak Keys are NOT high end chests - not anymore at least:
I've noticed that while solo chest running in whitman's folly, none of the chests I open contribute to my title - but the UW and FoW chests do.
Is this a bug??
I've noticed that while solo chest running in whitman's folly, none of the chests I open contribute to my title - but the UW and FoW chests do.
Is this a bug??
Swinging Fists
According to ANet's definition of what the high-end chests are - yes, it's a bug.
Vabbi Chests also count, and I see a lot of them on any causal run. I've stocked up on Vabbi keys and am progressing the title nicely just through casual play, without any purposeful runs.
I got the first rank of title while going for skill capping and explorer title.
easy way was to enter the area to explore with lots of keys,
and as someone said people sell their loot keys for 480 upwards, so save a bit of cash that way
easy way was to enter the area to explore with lots of keys,
and as someone said people sell their loot keys for 480 upwards, so save a bit of cash that way
Tutis Evito
I got my adept treasure hunter from luxon chest runs