What did you do when your account got suspended?




Join Date: Jul 2006




Hi just wondering what do people do when acounts get banned besides coming here and saying ah im innocent and a little angel ?

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Taking it up with support would be the obvious action




Join Date: Jul 2006




Hi just wondering what do people do when acounts get banned besides coming here and saying ah im innocent and a little angel

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



I'll post what i was gonna say ,when i saw the title, thinking it would be something else.

I do nothing.
I never got my account suspended nor do i do anything to make it become suspended , if you got banned its your own fault you shoudnt scam people, dont come on here looking for sympaty.LOSER!

Now to answer your question :P
are you asking specificly someone whos account has gotten supsended or are you also interested in knowing what i would do if for some not possible reason my account got supsended?

If i can answer ,this is my answer.
I would just do what i do now when im bored with GW, go play another game.
In GWP atm i love going to FoW , its one of the few places i feel like people REALLY need a GOOD monk.

In GWF , i dont like that at all, so i guess i cant even count that, but when GWN comes out, and lets say my account got supsended in the first lets say 3 months i would get so pissed i would go to Anet and burn down their building -_-

This threat is also what i say to myself when my isp disconects me.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


I would consult NCSoft support and enquire as to why my account was banned. If it was a justified ban then you got what was coming to you, if not then you retaliate and request more information and hope for a resoultion.


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


If you didn't do anything wrong, it is all about NCSoft support. The time I got booted during one of the bans, it took them less than two days to clear it up. Then again, I think I was an easy case since I don't do that much farming. There were a lot of people whining that it took a week or so.

If you violated the EULA....well, let's hope bugging support won't help you.




Join Date: Jul 2006




Nah, Im just thinking some people have been or are addicted to guildwars, as you ve seen in many of those "help me i got banned threads" and some of them fight for it , some of them just let it go and go play a new game lol . I forgot to mention this was like a poll, i was wondering, How many people would fight for their acount and how many people would just move on?

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

why did you post this thread here and in the Q&A section ?



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I left the Q&A thread open, although I don't really understand your question anwyay.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


I wold figth so hard that it wold have been told tales of it for years to come :P