Old GW'er back, few questions


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Brotherhood of Havoc


So I started playing GW at release but then got frustrated with a few things and played some other games for awhile. All the Nightfall hype has perked up my interest again.

I was wondering how the characters are handled between the expansions. Can I take characters between the three or are the characters in their own lands, only able to visit the one they were 'born' on.

I guess my biggest question was how do the expansions effect my old lvl 20 R/E that I built up after launch? Been thinking about starting a Mo/Me, maybe I'll wait for Nightfall and just let my R/E live in Proph.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

You can travel to another chapter that you have added to your account when you get to a port town. In Prophecies that is Lion's Arch, in Factions it is Kaineng Center. Once you've unlocked travel to that town then you can just use the world map to travel there or to the PvP Battle Isles.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Brotherhood of Havoc


Cool, thx Dean



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

P.S. It's worth it to travel back and forth just for the different skills!! (not to mention new armor and weapons ....)

So do not let your ranger languish in Tyria if you like him/her--come on over to Cantha to cap Broad Head Arrow, Famine, Trapper's Resolve....


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Brotherhood of Havoc


Oh yeah I'm sure I'll be using her too! I can't play a healer all the time, gonna wanna stick someone with arrows too! And armor better than your standard Druid armor might be nice too


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by CtrlAltDel
Oh yeah I'm sure I'll be using her too! I can't play a healer all the time, gonna wanna stick someone with arrows too! And armor better than your standard Druid armor might be nice too
better is a matter of opinion, but factions armor is not function linked to appearance. In Factions, any of the armor artworks can have any of the available functions.