Heres my problem, My wife has been kicking me on the PC so she can play Guild Wars under my name. Well i got pissed today and went and bought her a PC today so she will stay off mine. is there a way i can add my guild wars on her PC so we both can play at the same time or do i have to go buy another copy of the game?
You'll have to buy another copy. Can't play 2 characters on the same account at the same time.
Correct, each needs their own copy. The first one logged in gets kicked out when the second one logs into that same account. I know because my son and I shared two accounts for a while and occassionally we'd log into the wrong one, the one in use.
So who gets to start their character from scratch

lol this is a funny thread xD
Knightsaber Sith
Indeed. lol
Perhaps you can both have a couple characters on each account. When one persons using one account; work on your characters on the other account.
Perhaps you can both have a couple characters on each account. When one persons using one account; work on your characters on the other account.
Ummmm do you even have to ask....
She gets to keep her Characters.....
You get to start again...
If your lucky she may trade some of you hard won items and cash back to you for doing a few chores like taking out the rubbish or cleaning the toilet....
At least thats what my wife tells me the answer is.
It's either that or sleep on the couch for the next 3 months
She gets to keep her Characters.....
You get to start again...
If your lucky she may trade some of you hard won items and cash back to you for doing a few chores like taking out the rubbish or cleaning the toilet....
At least thats what my wife tells me the answer is.
It's either that or sleep on the couch for the next 3 months

LOL nossac, Im sure thats a weight of his mind now that he knows what awaits him

well it depends who's wearing the trousers really as to who gets to keep the account!

Be a gracious gentleman and let her keep her characters. When it comes down to a contest to ee who gets to keep them, she's going to win anyway.
Scenario #1 - You try working up the brownie points by getting all of those "honey-do's" that she's been trying for months to get you to take care of. While you're doing that, she's busy playing away on the original account. And when it comes time to sweet talk her into letting you have the old account, you'll get "Gee honey, since you haven't been playing much lately, you should take the new account since you've lost interest."
Scenario #2 - You set up the most romantic outing you can imagine, Chamaign, candlelight, the whole nine yards. Throw in a beautiful piece of jewelery, and sweep her off her feet. She may repay you, but the odds are, it won't be with the old account!
Scenario #1 - You try working up the brownie points by getting all of those "honey-do's" that she's been trying for months to get you to take care of. While you're doing that, she's busy playing away on the original account. And when it comes time to sweet talk her into letting you have the old account, you'll get "Gee honey, since you haven't been playing much lately, you should take the new account since you've lost interest."
Scenario #2 - You set up the most romantic outing you can imagine, Chamaign, candlelight, the whole nine yards. Throw in a beautiful piece of jewelery, and sweep her off her feet. She may repay you, but the odds are, it won't be with the old account!

Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
Be a gracious gentleman and let her keep her characters. When it comes down to a contest to ee who gets to keep them, she's going to win anyway.
Scenario #1 - You try working up the brownie points by getting all of those "honey-do's" that she's been trying for months to get you to take care of. While you're doing that, she's busy playing away on the original account. And when it comes time to sweet talk her into letting you have the old account, you'll get "Gee honey, since you haven't been playing much lately, you should take the new account since you've lost interest." Scenario #2 - You set up the most romantic outing you can imagine, Chamaign, candlelight, the whole nine yards. Throw in a beautiful piece of jewelery, and sweep her off her feet. She may repay you, but the odds are, it won't be with the old account! ![]() |
LOL, we never win in marriage do we.. atleast women don't usually like to go fishing.. ahh nice fresh air over a lake or river and no nagging!

Hey wait til the kids want to play , we had to "create " a third PC out of old bits and buy a third copy of GW for them to play . lol
Cost a fortune. Now they have gone off GW and I have soo many slots I dont know what to do with them lol
Cost a fortune. Now they have gone off GW and I have soo many slots I dont know what to do with them lol
Yes and no... You have to have a seperate Key# for each account, but you don't necessarily need a new copy. Although it would be just as easy to buy a new one. My suggestion is to only buy a second copy of which ever chapter you (or her) perfer.
My wife just started playing a couple weeks ago. We actually went out and bought a $600 laptop just so she could play (we don't have room for another desktop). Talk about an expensive PC game...
My wife just started playing a couple weeks ago. We actually went out and bought a $600 laptop just so she could play (we don't have room for another desktop). Talk about an expensive PC game...

Lilith St Cyr
Nah, easy.
Buy the second copy of GW, & share characters freely. Works perfectly for me and my better half. He can play "my" characters, & I can play "his".
As long as I get to decide names and looks, I'm happy! ^_^
Buy the second copy of GW, & share characters freely. Works perfectly for me and my better half. He can play "my" characters, & I can play "his".
As long as I get to decide names and looks, I'm happy! ^_^
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Lilith St Cyr
Nah, easy.
Buy the second copy of GW, & share characters freely. Works perfectly for me and my better half. He can play "my" characters, & I can play "his". As long as I get to decide names and looks, I'm happy! ^_^ |
funny, but hits close to home-------my hubby got the game when it first came out last May. I was not home until August so he started to play.....when I got home, he suggested we get another copy so we could play together (he was lonely I guess
) so we got another copy. We played together for most of the next year, but when fractions (yes misspelled on purpose) came out, my poor new laptop couldnt handle the graphics----they were fractured or the game play was sooooo slow I would die before I could launch a skill-----so we built me a new computer, just for the game. Well now he's getting tired of guildwars and has taken to some other computer games-----which his computer cant handle on the graphics side. So now MY computer has been taken over by HIS other games and I cant play on his (long story) now I dont have a computer again
buy another copy.....then you can play together (until another new game comes along

buy another copy.....then you can play together (until another new game comes along