FOW armor
Hey I'm just wondering where do you go to get the FOW armor once you have all the materials and there are 3 types, ascalon, dragon, and some other thing. Which one is the best?
you have to do the forgerunner quests in FoW. the type of armor is all up to you tho.
Malice Black
Armor choice depends on how you play. Glads is available as FoW armor also.
Does it still take a really long time to finish all the quests in FoW just to craft obsidian armor or have people found a way to speed it up in the last year or two?
Depending on the team you're in Barrage teams will be your best and fastest choice...
Anyone up for doing some FoW sometime this week? My school is off Friday and Monday so i can do it anytime during the day.
If you want to add me on your xfire mine is bleedingblue
my AIM is KennySadeghi
If you want to add me on your xfire mine is bleedingblue
my AIM is KennySadeghi
Malice Black
Originally Posted by tzkat
Does it still take a really long time to finish all the quests in FoW just to craft obsidian armor or have people found a way to speed it up in the last year or two?
FoW runner teams vary from 20-40 minutes
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a little suspect whenever someone is able to come up with all the crafting materials for FoW armor but not know where or how to get the armor.
Oh a GW forum
Originally Posted by zankoku
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a little suspect whenever someone is able to come up with all the crafting materials for FoW armor but not know where or how to get the armor.
6man PUG team took about 2 hours maybe less almost cleared it we just didn't go to the forests but did everything else so it shouldn't take very long

The Abbott
Originally Posted by zankoku
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a little suspect whenever someone is able to come up with all the crafting materials for FoW armor but not know where or how to get the armor.
Originally Posted by zankoku
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a little suspect whenever someone is able to come up with all the crafting materials for FoW armor but not know where or how to get the armor.
Just FYI.... imagine the laughs this will generate.
Imaging a player asking someone if the armour they have is the FOW armour (when they actually have it on them). Now will that smEll of Bought Apparel Yes or no?
Imaging a player asking someone if the armour they have is the FOW armour (when they actually have it on them). Now will that smEll of Bought Apparel Yes or no?
Maria The Princess
Originally Posted by jimmy_logic
Just FYI.... imagine the laughs this will generate.
Imaging a player asking someone if the armour they have is the FOW armour (when they actually have it on them). Now will that smEll of Bought Apparel Yes or no? hehehehe Regards |

Electric Sky
Originally Posted by zankoku
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a little suspect whenever someone is able to come up with all the crafting materials for FoW armor but not know where or how to get the armor.