Survivor Titles (as posted in Guru):
Experience Titles
* Survivor - 140,600 experience points reached without dying.
* Indomitable Survivor - 587,500 experience points reached without dying.
* Legendary Survivor - 1,337,500 experience points reached without dying.
My argument:
Where does it say that you cannot die "ever" in order to get these titles? Wouldn't it be fair to say that a person (such as I) who would really like to get this title, can try as many times as possible? Wouldn't that be more a challenge than trying once every 6 months (as per new accounts, etc.)?
I did not know that you could "never" die in order to get this title. I missed out on many events -to include the double experience weekends, double xp, double faction, and green drops because I was under the assumption that because it is not specified that you can "never" die, I actually though I'd try it out. It is the only title that interested me, and in all honesty, it is almost impossible to achieve the Legendary Survivor title with a beginner character, and even if it was somewhat feasable, what is the fun in that, knowing that if you screw up somewhere you have to wait another 100 hours or so, on a brand new character in order to maybe get there!
I would appreciate it, if someone with enough pull made this happen. I spent several hundred thousand gold buying scrolls, not to mention loss of opportunities because of this "wording" issue where the word "ever" was omitted. I do not play WoW, Ultima, SwG, or any other game other than Guild Wars, and I would really like to be compensated for all this time loss. Compensated how? By reworking these 3 particular titles, so that you can try out for them indefinately, die or not.
If you feel the need to reply to this thread please do so with mature responses to the issue, and for those DeVs who see this... thank you for your time.