For the sake of anyone else thinking of geting the game ill comment a bit. I bought Factions, as it says above...
Ok im very happy with my choice, factions is shorter to get to end lvl, (seems) more pvp based and well lots of pvp opertunities, 2 extra profesions(no one commented on this so maybe you now get them in prophecies or somin), and the factions-side of it, where you choose sides between to warring factions, which i presonaly was attracted to.
Geting started was a bit confusing i must say, but your a newb only at the begining right

didn't take long to learn, a nice chap answered all my questions and eventualy asked me to join his guild, yay <lowest lvl member>
And its full of helpful people, and so for a newb, factions isnt to bad, youll eventualy get the hang of things. "Get prophecies, its easier for new people", welll it might well be, but Factions was fine for me, so don't make your decision based on that argument
Also my 2 fav chars are the Assasin and Ritualist, the 2 new ones in Factions, so im very happy about my choice

But thats personal preference. Also i dont have heaps of time, so 4 days to get to 20 with my first char suits me just fine, and i love pvp.
But this is all my opinion, just note that as a newb, youll get the hang of either game eventualy
Hope this helps, cheers all for replying.