I play on regular guildwars and only have 170 stat points and i want the extra 30. is their quests that give u stat points? or how can i get them please tlel me thanks
Last two attribute quests (15each) are in skywards Reach from Siliss Yassith:
and Droknors Forge from Vanyi
and Droknors Forge from Vanyi
What campaign?
Quest 1: Forgotten Wisdom; obtained from Sariss Yassith in Skyward Reach
Quest 2: The Heroes Challenge; obtained from Vanyi in Droknar's Forge
Quest 1: The Lost Treasure; obtained from Raitahn Nem in Ran Musu Gardens
Quest 2: An Unwelcome Guest; obtained from Zunraa in Seitung Harbor
Quest 1: Forgotten Wisdom; obtained from Sariss Yassith in Skyward Reach
Quest 2: The Heroes Challenge; obtained from Vanyi in Droknar's Forge
Quest 1: The Lost Treasure; obtained from Raitahn Nem in Ran Musu Gardens
Quest 2: An Unwelcome Guest; obtained from Zunraa in Seitung Harbor
And remember you can only do two attribute quests and they depend on which continent your character is from. If you are Canthan, you can't do attribute quests in Tyria and if you're Tyrian, you can't do Canthan attribute quests.
Hynoru Azinisor
Originally Posted by Dreikki
And remember you can only do two attribute quests and they depend on which continent your character is from. If you are Canthan, you can't do attribute quests in Tyria and if you're Tyrian, you can't do Canthan attribute quests.

Originally Posted by Hynoru Azinisor
Still bummed about that. I was hoping they wouldn't realize it and I would be able to get and additional 30 (230/200) ... didn't work out the way I wanted it to.
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Sorry I forgot about factions. They quests were so early in the game and so quick completely slipped my mind that they even had them
Monk Mystic
you were right honor, he said regular GW, which means

Hmmm i tried doing both of them... i went to Vanyi she had tno quests to give i tried finding sillithy or w/e his name was and i couldnt find him help plz lol
Tetris L
To get the quest "Forgotten Wisdom" from Siliss Yassith you must first do the quest "The Forgotten Ones" from Annelle Fipps in Destiny's Gorge.
To get the quest "The Hero's Challenge" you must first complete at least one of the secondary attribute change quests in the Crystal Desert. (You don't actually have to change your secondary profession, just complete the quest.)
Details are given in the GuildWiki links that Honor provided. Check the "Requirements" section in both links.
To get the quest "The Hero's Challenge" you must first complete at least one of the secondary attribute change quests in the Crystal Desert. (You don't actually have to change your secondary profession, just complete the quest.)
Details are given in the GuildWiki links that Honor provided. Check the "Requirements" section in both links.
the desert quest is picked up from destiny's gorge.. map back to Augerys once you have picked it up and follow the quest from there
click on the wiki links in my above post and it gives you all the info on obtaining the quests.

Tetris L
P.S.: I can't belive that this question isn't answered in the FAQ sticky.
Not to be rude and ask for even more help but.... i need help lol these quests are amazingly hard i got to the part on both quests where i can accually start it (i did all the requirements and stuff) but can you maybe help me tomoroow i have school and will be back around 3:00 pm add me my char name is lexon dossal plz whisper me in game tell me who u r ill respond again thnx for all the help you already gave me
nvm firned shelped me with both
Lilith St Cyr
Thanks for this thread. I had forgotten to do the second attribute quest with most of my chars! This gave me something to do yesterday
Thanks for this thread. I had forgotten to do the second attribute quest with most of my chars! This gave me something to do yesterday