Originally Posted by damack x
Hi folks,
I made an assassin quite a while ago and I was thinking of buying new armor so I went to guildwiki...But when I saw those male armor I was kind of dissapointed because none of them were actually like 'wow'..
When I saw the female armor I wanted my assassin to be female, just because of the nice looks. But ok, my suggestion.
Like I said I was thinking of a 'gender changer'.
It would be a male/female in Ascalon and Shing jea (and you can punchase them for you guildhall too for 25 platinum(still thinking about price)). Changing your gender can be free or for like 1 platinum(still thinking about price).
I appreciate any comments but please no flaming
P.S. I used the search button and check several pages here but didn't see this yet, if there's already a suggestion like this, then please delete this one and I'm sorry then 
Im sure someones already said this, so sorry if im repeating anything, but thats just not a good idea.
If your talking about changing hairstyles, or hair colours or facial hair, then I would accept that.
But to change your entire gender, is almost on the same level as those who suggest being able to change your in-game-name.
Its just not realistic, and its not something which Anet should spend time and resources on developing.
You choose your gender and IGN at the start. If you dont like it later on, then unfortunately its tough luck.
Its all just my personal opinion, but I think if you dont like the gender of your character, then you simply make a new character. We cant have everything in GWs just given to us.
Even if it was to be done, then I would suggest a staggeringly high price to have such a radical change made to your character.
The reason being:
Imagine your character has completed the game(s), got max 15k armor(s) and green weapons.
If you change your gender, in essense your creating a whole new character.
But you would automatically get the female version of your existing 15k armor.
This to me seems like giving people an unfair advantage.
Next thing we will have people asking to "change primary profession" ingame, because they dont like it and want to change armors. :P