Uggh this is really bugging me......
well when playing gw, if i try to sell something or trade with someone my computer shuts down. Sometimes i get really frustrated. I know what the probelm is, i need a new video card. Just i dont know which one i should get since im buying a whole nother system. If you please tell me the price im not the sort of person willing to spend 600 dollars on a new card....
At this time, I recommend staying with the upper-end "budget cards". For example, nothing higher then the X1300 (X1300 w/512 MB RAM is around $110).
The reason is that the current generation of cards are not DirectX 10 certified. So shelling out a lot of money at this point is rather foolish. Instead, just get something "good enough" for now, and wait 2-3 months.
Around December-January the next generation of cards are going to come out. That is when you buy the card you will be happy with for the next 2-3 years.
The reason is that the current generation of cards are not DirectX 10 certified. So shelling out a lot of money at this point is rather foolish. Instead, just get something "good enough" for now, and wait 2-3 months.
Around December-January the next generation of cards are going to come out. That is when you buy the card you will be happy with for the next 2-3 years.
Are you sure it's just the video card, and not a power issue? Or is the video card that bad..
you have to tell people your computers stats and what type of interface you would be using (AGP or PCI-E) then maybe you will get some help
this happens quite often it seems im pretty sure its the video card...
if youre getting a new machine depends on how much you are willing to spend and how much you want it to handle
if youre getting a new machine depends on how much you are willing to spend and how much you want it to handle
I'd suggest a x1900gt which is a very good card
the price is about 240-260$
or a x1650 they are about 170-200 $
or even cheaper the x1300 about 100-140$
Now for Nvidia
7900GS about 260-300 $
or 7600GT 200-260$
or 7300GT about 120-150$
Gamespot has a pretty normal review about all sorts of cards from budget to high end;title;2
or a x1650 they are about 170-200 $
or even cheaper the x1300 about 100-140$
Now for Nvidia
7900GS about 260-300 $
or 7600GT 200-260$
or 7300GT about 120-150$
Gamespot has a pretty normal review about all sorts of cards from budget to high end;title;2
If your PC is shutting down due to hardware failure check the event log|System for crash info. If there are no entries then it is power related. Check the connection to the mobo for discoloration and check your surge suppressor for an error indicator and also discoloration.