Burning for 7 seconds is effectively a Conjure Phantasm that's easier to remove. Whoopie. It's also an ELITE! If you want a simple, balanced change to make them tremendously more useful, here it is: If the condition fails, DON'T CAUSE EXHAUSTION! Seeing an elite wind up being an exhausting Flare is absolutely pathetic. |
You make it sound like it's rocket science to achieve the condition. If you have less than 40 energy, avoid using it on casters, and quite possibly avoid idle, opposing elementalists full stop. It's so simple.
What other class matchups does this "relationship" apply to? I'm having a difficult time thinking of another matchup that's so obviously a near-automatic loss. A ranger doesn't NEED to be "specced out" for interrupts to screw an ele, they need to bring two skills: Savage shot and distracting shot. They also need to drink some coffee in the morning so they can time those to at fit within the 2-second cast times. |
Spell caster; Casting spells of 1 second or over < Interrupter; Using 1/2 second or lower interrupts.
Spell caster; Casting spells of any kind < Hexer; Using hexes that damage or incapacitate users of spells.
physical attacker; Needing to get to, and/or strike his target < Any enemy; With blinding ability. Or the means to dramatically reduce successful strikes.
Melee attacker; Needing to get to, and strike his target < Any enemy: With the ability to snare with either condition or hex, for extended periods of time.
You could say the same thing about Backfire, it's the same idea: You present them with two alternatives: Take a crapload of damage, or stop attacking completely. Either is extremely favorable to you. |
Your very right. In the right conditions, it is a very desirable thing to have. Though I think having that opponent dead or dying quickly is far more useful in most situations. For example an Elementalist hexed with SS could simply step back from the battle (away from adjacent allies) and spam Heal Party quite happily, despite the hex.