Guild Wars was a great game if you ask me. Even if you disliked it, you could not denie it's innovations or the courage it took to give all other RPGs the finger and going in a different route. Many RPGs, and MMORPGs are about items. It's really ally about the smal pixels we use to outfit our avatars. Here came Guild Wars, and acted like it couldn't care less about the need for uber items and that sort of stuff. I think Factions was pretty good too. It was nicely received by many people, but also hated by certain people who where fans of the first title. Factions was quite different. People equally enjoy it more, or hate it more, for it's faster levelling, harder monsters and missions, and generel gameplay. Neither game has been anywere near perfect. As with all ambitious games that tries to think outside the box, it's normally assosiated with all sorts of problems, and GW, was and is no different. Perhaps the biggest, was the story. Telling a deep and interactive story in an online RPG is pretty much impossible. GW did it anyway. And while the story was pretty good and epic in GW, it was about average in Factions. The problem was more the execution. ArenaNet just didnt had the time to create deep and time consuming, 50 minutes final fantasy pre rendered cut scenes. Other flaws would probably be the "invisible walls" problem where people felt restricted and like the game was on rails instead of an free roaming world. Despite these and quite a few other, well founded arguments against Guild Wars, it probably remains the most tactical, deep(combat wise) and balanced Action RPG of all time. It was what the game was created for from the ground up, and it shows. It's 5 years of balancing act, shows as an reminder to why they just can't raise the cap to lvl 100, even though there are enough missions and content to substain that x2, with Factions. GW is and will most likely always be a game about the tactical combat aspect. Perhaps we can even argue if it's an RPG outside of it's stat levelling, which seems to be more of a torturial to the trials that awaits every player. It's probably also this sort of mentality that makes Guild Wars one of does games, that are as good as the player is willing to get at it. Since there is only one way to win, which is to be smart, think fast, and react fast and have a good tactical understanding of the game, as opposed to the mantra of almost all other MMORPGs and online RPGs, which is massive time investments, equals winning over enemies with less time invested. The Guild Wars community is probably currently devided into two main groups. The PvEers and PvPers. GW is a game that is renouned for it's PvP, but it has just as many people who are also or only interested in the PvE aspect. And as time have gone by, alot of effort in improving Guild Wars has been geared toward PvE. The end game PvE of consists of getting titles(completing various hard challanges put up by the game, to get a title under your avatars name for everyone to fear, respect and admire), exploring, farming, running, rare item collecting, collecting skills, doing the many many many hundreds of quests, redoing missions and trying to get bonus and master on them, exploring the entire continents, and levelling new tons, and various other things... The other part, is the PvPers. The people who play mostly on PvP characters, and people who do Heroes Ascent. The official tournament, where people from Taiwan, USA, Europe, Japan and Korea goes head to head for the favor of the gods, and acces to the high level god realms, of the Underworld and FoW. Having been a supporter and fan of Guild Wars since the first beta I tried back in 2004, I have always acknowledged that Guild Wars had flaws and many places it could be improved. Better story telling, better voice acting, more character customization, deeper and more varied PvP, more use of the advantages of having an instanced world, more newbie friendly gameplay for beginners, more fresh characters, monsters and settings than the typical westeren Tolkinish or Orientel fantasy games that has dominated the marked for so long, in everything RPGs. I have to say this. Guild Wars Nightfall absolutely blow the two previous games out of the water. As good as they are, Nightfall absolutely kills them. Now having an awesome story, lip synching, high quality voice acting, well written and highly entertaining plot by Jeff Grub, one of the co-creators of Forgotten Realms Nightfalls basic premise is so much better than anyone could have hoped for. Cut scenes are not basic emotes done over and over. characters are actually individually animated. Elonia, where the game takes place is storngly inspired by African, middle easteren and persian culture. It's not only incredible fresh, and a uniqe take on fantasy and a setting. The quests and gameplay is much more streamlined and easier to get into. The areas are massive and open ended. You can virtually many times go as far as the eye can see, and this says something as the graphics have been improved. But so has most things. Right of the bat the game is much easier for new people to instantly get new armors and weapons without much hassle. this was a major problem in the previous games. telling friends about the game and having them losing interest within the first couple of hours in the Shing Jea Island in Factions, or Pre-Searing in the original GW, because it was a hassle and sort of annoying to really get things done. Everything feels much more streamlined. Also alot more effort has went into quests, and simple dialouge. Often the game throws references at you to the other campaigns. Nightfall is the clousure arc of the Guild Wars Trilogy. It will end the questions that was unanswered in the first two games. There will be MUCH more guild wars after Nightfall, but does will be a new era. GW Nightfall seems to be the Return of the King, of the Guild Wars world. The big final battle, to the war. But many other things in GWNF has improved. The music for one thing is one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. Jeremy Soule returns once again to show why he is king of westeren gaming composition. It easily tops the previous games soundtracks aswell as his work for games like IceWind Dale, Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the old Republic and more. Perhaps the only thing that comes close to what he is doing here, was his award winning score for Morrowind, years ago. Heroes, which are highly customized AI companions that follow you are awesome to have around with you. Letting you be more independed, giving you the option for more micro management if your into that sort of thing, or just filling the gaps in groups when a certain class or skills are needed. Intellegent and fast responded they are for a online persistent enviorment. Not flawlessly working, as no AI we have today is, but very good. The fact that you can bring these heroes with you two the old campaigns should enhance the experience with the two games alot. The Two new proffesions that come with the game are both well rounded and sort of uniqe in their own right. One of them, the Deverish who is a Scytche based fighter, has many melee AOE attacks but weaker armor than the traditional Warrior. The Paragon throws spears. A first for a main class in an RPG, I think? Like the setting of the game and the premise and look and the feel of it, these new proffesions also feels uniqe. For once you can open a game and play it and honestly say that its something you have not played or seen before, and yet feel its not wacky or tacky or strange as it has been strongly inspired by real african places, real middle easteren mythology and so on. Will Nightfall fix all the problems that the other games had? No, i dont think so. At least not right of the bat. We still have the problem of needing to find a better way to trade with other players. It has been suggested many times to add an auction house or bazar. Also, there can be communication barriers and problems with finding the people that are good for you. This is because of a sort of clunky chat interface, but probably also because of the chaotic-ness of the outposts and cities that are filled with players, due to the massive popularity of the titles. Another thing is probably more desired character customization and even more rare looking weapon skins and harder to get armor(100k armors have been suggested). In game voice communications is also still very desired due to the team based nature of the game. All of these features are highly possible to be in development for the game as we speak, for download in future updates. Still. If your one of does people out there who did not enjoy the first two games... Then I swear to you as an honest person - Try this. BUY IT and have faith in that when I tell that it is ages better than the previous games. I have not had as much fun with GW as I had in that preview event. I can honestly first time, say that I think that we got a true online RPG AAA game on our hands. I think a part of Guild Wars great results is because of it trying to nail itself down to the things it want to do. GW contains no massive raids, crafting, player housing, player cities, heavy social structure, player run econonomy and so on. It's a game about skill and combat and having fun, and particularly Nightfall seems to be accomplishing this extrodinarly well. The game is a challange. It's a game that makes you feel sad for all the people who will dismiss it, for all it's great results, impressive design sheet, flawless execution to its craftsmanship and it's innovations. The 8 skill system, where you can onyl bring 8 skills at one time into battle, despite all characters having both a primary and secondary class, and many many many hundreds of skills to choose from, is a testment to how sometimes more simple design decisions can change into much greater complexity and enhance the replayability of the game. Never have I seen a game that in such a dramatic way challanged my wits and brains. Simply thinking about the litterly billions of uniqe builds you can make and all the counters, blow my mind. Yes, I must recommend GW Nightfall to you on my biggest recomendation even if you seriously disliked the previous games. I feel this game is to good to be missed by anyone and that is why im making this post, so I hopefully will catch some of you people who gave up on this series a long time ago. Still no monthly fee and still not much time required to have fun, so there is nothing to loose. Give it a shot and I think you will love it. After that you can always go back if you like it and buy the older camapigns and add them to your NF. |
GWNF will be the best online RPG in a very long time?
thx for the link, goes to neoteo at GWO.
Besides how he confuses the Does with Those, Thats a pretty long but a good article on Nightfall. Sure it doesnt show anything that will come in it but its a good way to convince people to buy Nightfall and is positive news for Anet.
I really wonder what part four will be about...
As long as i can use my existing characters, i will be happy.
As long as i can use my existing characters, i will be happy.

the very second i heard about nightfall i had that feeling that it would be amazing. so far everything i hear about it is pretty much amazing
The other part, is the PvPers. The people who play mostly on PvP characters, and people who do Heroes Ascent. The official tournament, where people from Taiwan, USA, Europe, Japan and Korea goes head to head for the favor of the gods, and acces to the high level god realms, of the Underworld and FoW. |
Interesting read. All of this is based on a weekend preview?
No, Australia is by default on the EU server. All the Americas are on the America server - South, Central and North.
No, Australia is by default on the EU server. All the Americas are on the America server - South, Central and North.
I kind of agree with his opinion but he is also pulling a bunch of sh*t out of his ass. Who ever said this was a Trilogy? and what questions were left unanswered by the first two games? Also if you are going to write an article like that at least have the decency to proofread it and make it easier for those who care about grammar and spelling.
Anet has stated that Nightfall marks the end of the Trilogy. What comes next is apparently a whole new storyline with hopefully some hook that lets us bring our old characters over to it.
The burning question of Gwen will finally be answered?
I agree though, a painful post to read.
The burning question of Gwen will finally be answered?
I agree though, a painful post to read.
Originally Posted by Konrow
I kind of agree with his opinion but he is also pulling a bunch of sh*t out of his ass. Who ever said this was a Trilogy?.
hmm, first rpg spear thrower? .... does D2 javazon count? one of the best rpg characters of ALL time. This person is clearly excited about the game, so much so they took all the time and energy to write an article from the perspective of someone who has add...and hasnt had any acne yet. Thats love!!!! give the guy a break!
Chilly Ress
Editting, soooo many mistakes...
Malice Black
EVE is far superior to any GW game it just requires too much time. NF looks ok so far but as best game ever..nah
Agreed Inde...
EVE is an RPG whereas GW is a hack'n'slash.
Theres not much RPG content to make it worth it to carry this name imo.
Both games aren't comparable but the sheer size of EVE compared to GW is like comparing an elephant with an ant.
OK NF WILL be a good title but to claim it the BEST in a year or whatnot is kind of a strong thing to say
EVE is an RPG whereas GW is a hack'n'slash.
Theres not much RPG content to make it worth it to carry this name imo.
Both games aren't comparable but the sheer size of EVE compared to GW is like comparing an elephant with an ant.
OK NF WILL be a good title but to claim it the BEST in a year or whatnot is kind of a strong thing to say
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Emik
Agreed Inde...
EVE is an RPG whereas GW is a hack'n'slash. Theres not much RPG content to make it worth it to carry this name imo. Both games aren't comparable but the sheer size of EVE compared to GW is like comparing an elephant with an ant. OK NF WILL be a good title but to claim it the BEST in a year or whatnot is kind of a strong thing to say |

Do i need to unbear something? 
Or shall i leave it with this
Or shall i leave it with this
Originally Posted by Loviatar
Anet said that good enough?
The player review makes for a nice read but is still rather subjective despite sharing most of his views myself. From the WPE alone, Nightfall shows alot of promise and no big complaints (apart from inscriptions debate) so far that have sprung up when compared to the release of factions. Surprisingly, there dont seem to be much hype generated/reflected on the forums except for player contributed ones much like the OP quote, which makes me think:
A Good Game Speaks For Itself.
Good Job Anet. We will be looking forward to Nightfall with great anticipatation.
They will be best... only if Hire me as a creative Dev!
Terra Xin
If Anet does make a great hit with this chapter, it will hopefully be a good indication that a majority of players are... PvEers. Then again, Factions lacked on the PvP side anyways.
I could've told you that...
I could've told you that...
Oh well I think most GW fans agree that Nightfall looks promising.. that's what really matters to me. <3
Originally Posted by Loviatar
Anet said that good enough?
Curse You
Originally Posted by Terra Xin
If Anet does make a great hit with this chapter, it will hopefully be a good indication that a majority of players are... PvEers. Then again, Factions lacked on the PvP side anyways.
I could've told you that... |
i am always skeptical when i read an article that puts anything on a pedestal... he/she should be less bias...
When I think Trilogy I think Star Wars IV, V, and VI, Earthsea, Lord of the Rings etc... Without being presumptuous I believe this is what ANET meant by trilogy.
Some people know how to dig a hole and others know how to dig a hole and lie in it.
posted by Konrow i know that butthe way he says it, it does not interpret the same way Anet means it. obviosuly you don't know how i was thinking about the word trilogy cause thats how he said it. |
Phaern Majes
Meh some people simply think their way of thinking is automatically the right way. So obviously "how he was thinking about the word trilogy" is the right way :S
Just from the preview event I'm hooked. Immediately after preordered the CE and decided to fork out the next day shipping charge. Can't wait Sunspear Legend....oh man
Just from the preview event I'm hooked. Immediately after preordered the CE and decided to fork out the next day shipping charge. Can't wait Sunspear Legend....oh man
GWN will probably be a decent game, but "best online RPG in a very long time"? Not very likely. Let's survey the scene again after Neverwinter Nights 2, Burning Crusade and Warhammer Online are out. GWN faces still competition, to say the least, given how the RP in GWP and GWF have been feeble to non-existent.
Originally Posted by Konrow
i know that butthe way he says it, it does not interpret the same way Anet means it. obviosuly you don't know how i was thinking about the word trilogy cause thats how he said it. anyway i'm looking forward to Nightfall, it should be the best guild wars game yet.
also I don't really think we can say if Nightfall is going to be the best game ever seeing as how it's not even out yet. Patience is a virtue.
Omega X
Despite the naysayers, gross exaggerators and some of the fluff in the end of the quoted article , he captured the Nightfall WPE quite well. He kinda skimped on mentioning GVG though.
100K armours??
Please, no! There's enough farming and grinding necessary in this game that's supposedly grind-free. :[
Please, no! There's enough farming and grinding necessary in this game that's supposedly grind-free. :[
The main reason I'm stoked about Nightfall is the heroes. I had a lot of fun messing with their skillbars during the preview. It's going to be not just my character experimenting with skill combos but 3 others that I have control over as well.
Arcane mimicry has some great potential now.
For example, making all your heroes secondary mesmers and tossing CoF on their bars will be interesting. The whole hero thing gives us room for a great deal of synergy... like an MM hero (with fiends), a ranger w conflagaration (or greater conflag), an Ele with Mark of Rodgort, and you or the Ele with ward against harm. Or a ranger and necro with conditions, a mesmer with fevered dreams, and then a dazing attack on a couple of chars. There's much, much more to try out... The whole idea of being able to customize your heroes' skills based on the mobs/areas is going to be a lot of fun.
Also, being able to run some sweet builds with just one other person and 6 heroes is promising.
As far as the rpg end of it goes, it might be a little better, but I think the majority of us are in it for other reasons.
Arcane mimicry has some great potential now.

For example, making all your heroes secondary mesmers and tossing CoF on their bars will be interesting. The whole hero thing gives us room for a great deal of synergy... like an MM hero (with fiends), a ranger w conflagaration (or greater conflag), an Ele with Mark of Rodgort, and you or the Ele with ward against harm. Or a ranger and necro with conditions, a mesmer with fevered dreams, and then a dazing attack on a couple of chars. There's much, much more to try out... The whole idea of being able to customize your heroes' skills based on the mobs/areas is going to be a lot of fun.
Also, being able to run some sweet builds with just one other person and 6 heroes is promising.
As far as the rpg end of it goes, it might be a little better, but I think the majority of us are in it for other reasons.
I would respect the OP's opinions more if he used correct spellings.
Originally Posted by trickfred
100K armours??
Please, no! There's enough farming and grinding necessary in this game that's supposedly grind-free. :[ |
As for the article... meh, ok.
Maria The Princess
we have more expensive then 100k armor.....FOW armor!
Skills have to be grinded... unlike vanity skins on armour or weapons, skills can radically change your character. You're not forced to grind them, but they make a character loads more versatile than sticking to the same ol' skill bar.
Heroes will change that to a degree... I hear they have access to any skills you've unlocked on your account! Woohoo!
Heroes will change that to a degree... I hear they have access to any skills you've unlocked on your account! Woohoo!
People gushed over Factions too thinking it would be the best ever, but in the end a large number didn't like the final product.
Best to wait and see and remember, reviewers don't play for all that long so their opinions are based on short sessions only.
Best to wait and see and remember, reviewers don't play for all that long so their opinions are based on short sessions only.
Andisa Kalorn
I remember everyone being excited about the factions preview... but I ended up quiting it early because I was bored and annoyed with some aspects of it. Those who liked it mainly seemed to like the alliance battles. I almost didn't buy factions because of the preview, but I was too attached to my rit.
Now the nightfall preview; I was hooked from the first instant. Whereas I got progressively more bored during the factions preview, I was more and more impressed with the nightfall preview as I went through it. There is no question in my mind that I'll be buying nightfall. If the rest of the game is anywhere as good as the preview, I'll be at least able to agree that it is the best GW chapter.
Now the nightfall preview; I was hooked from the first instant. Whereas I got progressively more bored during the factions preview, I was more and more impressed with the nightfall preview as I went through it. There is no question in my mind that I'll be buying nightfall. If the rest of the game is anywhere as good as the preview, I'll be at least able to agree that it is the best GW chapter.
dude did follow up reply: :
First I will need to say sorry for my poor english. I wrote this, very late at night, and english is not my first language. I know that's a stupid excuse to suck at grammar, but I hope you will forgive my flaws. I have had some time to reflect upon what I first wrote, and I would like to add something - Mates. My sweet mates. I care so much for gaming and online communities. Probably so much that it's sort of ehh... Wrong. I used be very negative and pessimistic. I have gotten a few nods from people, telling me to chill out, because they think im "over selling it" or are afraid that my words will have it not live up to the wisdom. You people are right. How the hell would I know! I played the preview like over 600,000 other people, but still - In does 15 hours that it took me to beat the event, get a ton of quests done and reach lvl 15, I came to the conclusion I made in my first post. I feel postitive and confident in ArenaNet. I belive in being positive. I belive optimism helps a company, game, and community blossom. I don't belive under-hyped before-release arguments, will make the game look better. I used to think like that, but in later years I have realised that life is to short for this mentality. It's funny. For the first 1,5 half year of GWs life, I used alot of time on fansite forums to suggest changes that would make it comparable to other games. "Do this, because it's in Diablo 2". "Do this! WoW has it"! "Do this Halo has it...". I guess sometimes as a fan and GW player I and others, can become blind sighted to how uniqe and cool GW is. We know it, but sometimes we forget, in the endless hate and misunderstandings that this great new franchise endures for just being different, innovatiove and just plain awesome. Take a chill pill right? It's just a game? Hell no! Not to me it ain't. To me this is a revolution. Sure I enjoy other games. But... I don't enjoy other games like this. Im not a skilled PvP player. I don't got FoW armors or any "rare" equipment. Or am rich! I am not in any worthy guild of memberence. Im just another GW player. I could care freakin less if all of you will rot to hell while enduring time down in WoW or whatever you are playing. As a gamer I just felt it was my right to "inform" you. Am I fanboy? Am I biased? I honestly don't know. I am a boy(or a man.. rather). And yet I also am a fan of the game. So In that sense I am a fanboy, or fanman(prefered)! I understand that GW is not a game for everyone. Im not blind to acknowledging this. I know people are different, but I gotta say. It's beyond my grasph to why people wanna hate this game so much. To why people will rate it 1 on this site and call it the recarnation of all bad things in life. Every single forum I go to are filled with people who hate this game. It puzzles me. I have never met a person who has been into this game extensively and called it a bad game. Sure it, has supposed "quitters" like any other game, except this game does not have a fee - So there is not really any subscription to cancel, meaning you can come back, until the end of time. And even within the GW communities I feel a sad sort of cynical feeling. Let me talk about something else for a second, to put it into context. My job is to work with kids. After school projects for children in elementry school aged 6. We have this one kid in my class who is a Mensa kid. He is absolutely insanely smart. What happens is that, because of his advanced IQ and brain, he has serious trouble fitting in with the other kids. Sometimes being to good or two cleaver can be awesome. I belive the above senario is GW representing the GW kid, and the rest of the MMORPGs and the average MMO gamer representing the other kids. It's like GW is before it's time. The game has never down time, it's insanely balanced, it's deeply focused, it has amazing graphics, its quickly streamlined, its awesomely optimized for most systems, but most of all, it's mad fun for people who give it a chance. People who sit down and bother reading the skill descriptions before logging onto MMORPG.Com and writing a new threads about "GW sucking balls". GW is a game that is what you make of it. As I said before, I personally belive that it's succes has something to do with it's design sheet. It's focused onto balanced tactical gameplay. It does not have other sorts of systems. It just does what it does, in a uniqe and revolutionary way. It's something like Max Payne. It works so well, because it focus on two things and it does two perfectly well. Action and story. And that's it. That's what Max Payne is. A really solid and understand action game. And thats why the game does not suffer from all sorts of stupid problems. Take any big MMORPG. Crafting, player housing and so on.. the list of flawed mechanics and qurantine-over-quality-elements, place holder effects/items/quests/gameplay designs have no end. Of course its impossible given the size and scope of does projects, but it still sucks that so many gameplay fundamentals are broken in all these games. Who the hell is not sick of buying a new first person shooter or RTS and fidning out that the online component is crap or the single player is merely a skimish? Why do developers settle crap? IMO if a feature is not great it should not be in a product. I think gamers have become way to unforgiven with devs just releasing a game with a ton of crap features and then thinking that it can be labeled as awesome because they have "impressive looking" features on the back on the box or that banner that is spammed on the top of your favorite gaming site. Dammit! Hatred, agony, insanity, passion, love, hate, deceit, excitement, indivndualism, teamwork, valor, power, spirit, horses, flamingos and fun is all part of a cocktail that makes Guild Wars Nightfall such a great game. Forget what you heard from your WoW or EVE friends saying that this game sucks becuase it has no jumping and bla bla bla. Don't do it because I say so. Don't because anyone else say so. Do it because you should try it for yourself and give it a chance. Try to really see and appreciate the massive amount of depth and balance that went into this. There is so much going on behind the scenes. Things you can not see in the hours played of GW players. Or the gear their avatars wear. But the experience, fun, appreciation, and sense of accomplishment that runs through their veins while they try to conquer the depths of the underworld, or fight of people from all over the world in the glorious hall of heroes. Im not a messiah or game guru or a preacher. I f**king suck. my life is a mess, and under any other circumstances you should not listen to me. But do me this. Do me this favor and try this game. I don't care if Anet killed your father and raped your mother(Family guy reference FTW!) but damn. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Just do it. I know ending this with a nike clichee is lame but for god sakes. I hate myself. I would have commited suicide a long time ago if it was not for this game. Im not just talking about the global awesomeness of the community. People are ignorant enough to denie this games innovative, and yet over 2 million people are able to play on the same freakin shard. Only EVE has done that before, but GW has many more players. Not that it makes GW superior over EVE. No! The masses don't mean a thing. But im just saying that when your standing, in the sunset at lions arch and you are having a discussion in the internation district with a 40 year old guy from pakistan and a 16 year old teenage girl from singapore. It does something to you. There is a sense of community, of hardship, of competition that no game can beat. all continents are against each other and yet we are all the same. we got noobs, we got gold farmers, we got skilled players, we got hardcore gamers with over 5-10,000 hours played in 15 months, we got funny people, we got strange people, we got developers, a crazy but fun community manager who runs around strange shores with us, we got casual gamers, we got standard gamers, we got Iwayers, and we got dancing people, we got crazy people, we wammos and we got spikers, we got tankers and we got slankers, we got guild leaders, and we got spammers. we got all sorts of things and even more. Im done. I did my thing. I don't feel obligated to inform you people anymore. I was in ever debt when I was informed by this game by another game and my greatful for that. Im even more greatful that I stuck with it despite hating it in the beginning because of my incompetence - my lack of understanding. for my lack of willing to learn and try new things. for my pessimism, for my stupid negative will about everything new. In a way this game made me a better person. was it my culturel learning from other people around the globe? or the fact that actually having to think and get skilled at this game that challanged my brain capacity and made my freakin brain grow, as that muslce-like mass it is? I dunno. I also know it's insanely far fedged and I know that if you have read all this, or just skimmed it through, your a delusional wonderful person that at least has the will. That will to fight. That will to try new things. That's what seperates the wolfs from the sheep. Are you a sheep? Meh meh. -Pingo |
Lord Sarevok
Well the first article was alright I guess. The second one had some serious personal issues thrown in just for fun I suppose.
I think Guild Wars Nightfall will be the best of the "trilogy" due to an improvement in most areas of the game. But I wouldn't say if someone didn't like Guild Wars, that this one will change their mind on the subject. It is still the same basic gameplay which I think is great. It's not based on your equipment but on the skills you bring and how you use them.
But in regards to the point of the post, how does one compare online RPGs in the first place. Paying 15 bucks a month, sucks, regardless how much time you throw away. Being dangled carrots that take more and more time to get (aka pretty much every other MMO) is not something I feel is really worth my time.
PS you are a fanboy.
I think Guild Wars Nightfall will be the best of the "trilogy" due to an improvement in most areas of the game. But I wouldn't say if someone didn't like Guild Wars, that this one will change their mind on the subject. It is still the same basic gameplay which I think is great. It's not based on your equipment but on the skills you bring and how you use them.
But in regards to the point of the post, how does one compare online RPGs in the first place. Paying 15 bucks a month, sucks, regardless how much time you throw away. Being dangled carrots that take more and more time to get (aka pretty much every other MMO) is not something I feel is really worth my time.
PS you are a fanboy.
Omega X
Originally Posted by Xenrath
People gushed over Factions too thinking it would be the best ever, but in the end a large number didn't like the final product.
Best to wait and see and remember, reviewers don't play for all that long so their opinions are based on short sessions only. |
hhhhmmm lets look at end game content, no mounts, no homes very very popluar features in rpg's. little to do in pve, heavy cratering for pvp dispite how pvers feels wait rpgers feel good exmaple elemental, asassin.
Nope I don't see the tittle of best rpg! in fact far from it. I am not being rude but it is the truth
Nope I don't see the tittle of best rpg! in fact far from it. I am not being rude but it is the truth
I had a good feeling when factions was about to be released.. was horribly let down. I now have a tentative good feeling for NF
guess im just hoping it will be good ol' GW, (just a bit better of course!)