paragon echo+chant+shout help ??
chicks boy
i dont get how shout/echo ends, then echo is reapplied to it??? can any1 explain this 2 me. make it more understandable than guildwiki tried to explain it...
It's not rocket science...
When a Shout or Chant ends on a target affected by an Echo, the echo is either renewed for another 20 seconds (Refrains) or triggers an effect (Finales)
When a Shout or Chant ends on a target affected by an Echo, the echo is either renewed for another 20 seconds (Refrains) or triggers an effect (Finales)
chicks boy
so basically like this:
- Cast Shout on ally
- Ally has "Shout"
- When that "Shout" ends, target affected by an Echo.
- So an echo .. is what??? Arcane echo? that skill by mesmer???
- Cast Shout on ally
- Ally has "Shout"
- When that "Shout" ends, target affected by an Echo.
- So an echo .. is what??? Arcane echo? that skill by mesmer???
Echo is another type of skill...
Echo is another type of skill...
Echo is a TYPE of skill or spell....
you cast the's in effect...then you use the shout/chant whatever...when that shout/chant ends, either the Echo is renewed for awhile or it triggers another little bonus, see?
you cast the's in effect...then you use the shout/chant whatever...when that shout/chant ends, either the Echo is renewed for awhile or it triggers another little bonus, see?
Here is an interesting question, when a shout ends and triggers a refrain, does the previous refrain end before it is renewed thus triggering finales?
Meaning when a shout ends does like energizing finale trigger once or twice if you have a refrain on you.
Meaning when a shout ends does like energizing finale trigger once or twice if you have a refrain on you.
Originally Posted by TadaceAce
Meaning when a shout ends does like energizing finale trigger once or twice if you have a refrain on you.
Finales only proc on Shouts and Chants. Refrains are Echoes. Do the math.
Be careful not to confuse an echo with the mesmer 'Arcane Echo' enchantment spell or 'Echo' elite enchantment spell.
After the skills name in the description, it will say Echo. Example: Bladeturn Refrain - Echo. For 20 seconds, target ally ...
A mesmer spell for comparison: Arcane Echo - Enchanment Spell. If you cast a spell in the...
After the skills name in the description, it will say Echo. Example: Bladeturn Refrain - Echo. For 20 seconds, target ally ...
A mesmer spell for comparison: Arcane Echo - Enchanment Spell. If you cast a spell in the...
unholy guardian
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Finales only proc on Shouts and Chants. Refrains are Echoes. Do the math.
are you feeling alright? A lot of your resent posts seems to be quite negative to people
Anyway a lot of people mentioned it already.
The "echo" is a mesmer elite, totally seperate from the skills classifed as echos that the paragon has.
Finales do what the name suggest, they activate when a shout or chant ends on that ally.
Refrains can be reapplied when a shout or chant ends on that ally, so really you could potentially keep it on them as long as they live. If you use watch yourself though for the effects, you have to make sure you and your teamtes do not use it before 1 is already over, otherwise nothing really "ends"
are you feeling alright? A lot of your resent posts seems to be quite negative to people

Anyway a lot of people mentioned it already.
The "echo" is a mesmer elite, totally seperate from the skills classifed as echos that the paragon has.
Finales do what the name suggest, they activate when a shout or chant ends on that ally.
Refrains can be reapplied when a shout or chant ends on that ally, so really you could potentially keep it on them as long as they live. If you use watch yourself though for the effects, you have to make sure you and your teamtes do not use it before 1 is already over, otherwise nothing really "ends"
Originally Posted by unholy guardian
are you feeling alright? A lot of your resent posts seems to be quite negative to people
It was a stupid question considering that the types of skills involved are VERY clear.
Description of any finale clearly states "chants or shouts" and refrains are echoes.

Description of any finale clearly states "chants or shouts" and refrains are echoes.
Guardian of the Light
Echo =