Want a Ventrilo Server?
I have a 50 slot ventrilo server, bought and paid for... any teams / clans / guilds for any game are welcome to use it free of charge as long as you abide by the server rules. The vent server is located in Texas, if your interested, let me know and I will pass the IP / Port along to you, and set your team up with a channel and admin.
Okay... well for everyone thats interesed, contact me thru the PM system on this forum, I'm not going to wait around all day on GW to see you online so I can give you the info and get the info from you for channel names and such.... so if you want a channel PM me.
Okay... well for everyone thats interesed, contact me thru the PM system on this forum, I'm not going to wait around all day on GW to see you online so I can give you the info and get the info from you for channel names and such.... so if you want a channel PM me.
sure, me and my guild have been vent hopping for about a year, right now we are in a 10 man server and it really stinks. my ign is scarlit fever if you wanna do it right now
all set, have fun.
I'm interested in the details. I'll toss you a PM later tonight if you don't beat me to it.
Timeless Logic
I'm definitely up for this. My guild has been without communication since our Teamspeak server mysteriously went down.
IGN: Theory of Knowledge
I'm not on atm, but if you notice I'm up, just send a whisper.
IGN: Theory of Knowledge
I'm not on atm, but if you notice I'm up, just send a whisper.
I would be interested in your generous offer, as well, Deuce. Vent would've come in very handy (still will) while helping a new-comer to GW yesterday and today!
Im DEFINATELY interested. Please PM me details.
Pm me in game , gee cee ... very interested..
im interested too...could use it for pvp/gvg
Im also intrested IGN: Divine Robert
Also interested, IGN: Boris The Brewer ...
Okay... well for everyone thats interesed, contact me thru the PM system on this forum, I'm not going to wait around all day on GW to see you online so I can give you the info and get the info from you for channel names and such.... so if you want a channel PM me.
also interested PMd u bud Thx 4 the contribution
PMd you for info thanks.
i am new to guild wars and i would like to speak live with my alliance for help instead of typing cuz it make me slow please help
This is a two-year-old thread. Look elsewhere. Closed.