I have always been a stubborn little warrior(I like having fun with my stance tank, very versitile and surprisingly stratigic when you get good at group leading and luring with longbow etc). I quit playing GW for a while soon after Factions came out because I was overwhelmed with WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSE TO DO feelings. I now seem to observe that Prophasies areas are still greatly talked about as where people still farm. I am willing to make a 55 monk or w/e else, in order to do the following:
I want to farm one or two areas like consistantly for like rare skins. I figured farming Hell's Precipise has multiple benifits and I could even make a small charge for helping people. You can get Magma Shields and possibly sephis axes from the wraths. If this is simply too unlikely to be profitable, please tell me. In the spirit of fun, I always prefer to 'find' my own drops and items, but not in hell, and if there are significantly better places to farm in Prophasies or Factions, please tell me. I'm baffled because I don't hear people talking about farming factions like except maybe for greens. I know this site has many reasources for answering these questions, I have been reading for the last few hours. These are sort of my unresolved questions. By the way, I sort of have one "willing" and serious Guildi from another game who also plays GW who seems ready to do whatever is nessisary to make some money. Could you guys help me find my "sweet spot". Thing is, I don't like playing just for money, so doing totally monotonous things over and over is boring for me, just fyi. If the answer is HoH, I'm all for it, for a not-so-pvp player I had great success there today. And as this game trends more toward PvP, maybe it would give me some expirience. I have heard "PvP is what the game was made for". I don't know if thats true, but maybe I've been missing out, and the allure of getting super rare skins would jump start my pvp career.
It's scary though, because alot of my PvP friends seem less than knowlegable about weapon mods, value of items, and aren't nessiarily rich. Is this because they don't use their skills in Hoh? Also, once I'm decent, will I likely win HoH maybe like once every 5-10 tries? I realize some of the best players are PvPers, don't take my comment the wrong way. I just don't know if it takes like alot of practice before I'll be competitive in PvP. I use a Razorstone and Victo's Bulwark and have Platemail armor and superior abs and vigor and sup axe mastery. I hear axes arent popular in PvP. I could use a non warrior person. At this pt i have a level 20 warrior and ranger both with good items. I have a level 20 assassin with good skills but i was poor at the time so not so hott items. I have a mesmer at like level 13 but I think his up and coming birthday will help revive him in some silly way. Is there any HoH potential here guys? I have like 6k right now and a 200k shield I could sell if I need to, so I guess I can affort soem more skills if nessisary. I think I have like 70% of the PvP skills I'll need. Don't take 70% as me saying im not expirienced, just PvE is way diff than PvP so it uses diff skills.
Balencing 'Mystery' and 'business' (farming)
Dude.. GW is a personal experience for everyone.. You either love it and play it or its like any other game and eventually you grow tired of it and move on. The latter catagory may have their interest renewed by new chapters and content while others are still playing the first chapter contentedly and having fun making up their own goals and acheivments as they go. There is no Sweet Spot in GW. Thats what makes it fun.. You might farm an area for a while and then move on to somewhere else for a new challenge and potentially new items or rares or whatever takes your fancy. I know this for being a player from the very beginning. I find things to keep me interested because i am interested. If you want rare skins then do a little research, find out where they drop and make it your mission to keep at it until you get it. If it seems like too much work then I don't think anyone can help you make it more exciting other than buying it. PvP or PvE. There is fun to had in both only if it interests you.
For information on weopons, mods, builds or nearly anything else you could possibly want to know guildwiki can answer.
In the end it's a game. There is enough content to keep you going for a long time and if you reach a point where you struggle to keep an interest no matter what you try then maybe its time to move on.
Good luck whichever way you go.
For information on weopons, mods, builds or nearly anything else you could possibly want to know guildwiki can answer.
In the end it's a game. There is enough content to keep you going for a long time and if you reach a point where you struggle to keep an interest no matter what you try then maybe its time to move on.
Good luck whichever way you go.
Lord Sarevok
To add to the previous post, if you try Heroes Ascent and you like it then keep doing it. It does take effort and time to get good at PvP and will take awhile before you can lead a group to take Halls. PS Axes are good in PvP and stance tanks are not.
On the farming note, Factions randomized groups a lot more so it's much harder to run one build and clear an area like you can do in Prophecies where there is much more homogenous group compositions. Farming greens is something people do in Cantha instead. You can pull many bosses away and deal with them 1 on 1 or their group isn't too hard to beat.
Farming Hells' Precipice is not the most common place because you can't do it alone. UW/FoW runs are still pretty much the favourite places for solo farming.
On the farming note, Factions randomized groups a lot more so it's much harder to run one build and clear an area like you can do in Prophecies where there is much more homogenous group compositions. Farming greens is something people do in Cantha instead. You can pull many bosses away and deal with them 1 on 1 or their group isn't too hard to beat.
Farming Hells' Precipice is not the most common place because you can't do it alone. UW/FoW runs are still pretty much the favourite places for solo farming.
I totally know where you are coming from when you say "it's just a game". That's why I quit and played FPS for a while (I still am). But I LOVE GW, I've also been playing it from the beggining. I love my tank so much that I do w/e I want, even if it doesn't pay. Well, I'm just trying to find a "sweet spot" (which I DO believe exists) or some sweet spots where I can farm and have a good time, maybe even get a 15^50 drop here and there. I think the UW and FoW farming are going to be where I go, I'm about to make a Mo/Me in factions. I have both prophasies and factions, so I thought I'd level up faster in factions, and that a Mo/Me would be versitile enough that I could make solid money and go whereever I wanted and BE WANTED in a group. I realize that this game is all about fun, but some people don't respect a warrior. Before I quit, about half of my friends list was taken up by reliable monks who knew me and would actually join groups with me. It was sick waiting a half hour to make a group in tombs (UW) of 6 people and then that group dying half the time, and even when we made it, the winnings being split 6 ways. I guess the only good farm I ever got involved in was oro farming, and not for long. I'm just trying to devote one character to making money, so I can get what I want for my PvE players without worrying about it. I don't have a single set of 15k armor or glad armor of any kind on my PvE warrior that I've had since I bought the game (like 2-3 months after it came out). Thanks for both of your help. I have been using this site and guildwiki, but so far I haven't seen a page that just came out and said "the best farming character is Mo/Me", but I'm starting to get that message. Hopefully, now changing secondary will be more routine, but w/e, thats not the point, I think I need a monk.
Are you playing GW at the moment? There was a huge update with NF's release that had a huge impact on farming as we've known it. Look around here and you'll find out about it.
Many Bothan spies died to bring us this information.... 
I knew someone on a DVD centered forum who went by that name.
Anyway, there's a whole forum here dedicated to farming: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/f...play.php?f=234
There's a solo farm build sticky thread there and it could give you an idea of different places you could try.
As Dean mentioned, the recent update changed the AI of the monsters which may make many of those builds unworkable. Basically, the monsters tend to run away from more types of area effect damage than they used to. But I would think the W/Necro builds using Grenth's Balance would still be pretty workable. Here's a thread about those changes (haven't read it myself yet) http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10066984
I don't think people PVP for money. I know that when you win HoH there's a chest for the winners with rare drops, so there is that. But if you just want to try interesting things with your warrior that might get you some money too, then I'd stick with trying out the different farming builds.
And check out this awesome thread about soloing Tyria with the warrior: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10046362 May be out of date with the update, but still quite a piece of work.
Good luck and have fun in the game.
And in that thread I linked above, th

I knew someone on a DVD centered forum who went by that name.
Anyway, there's a whole forum here dedicated to farming: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/f...play.php?f=234
There's a solo farm build sticky thread there and it could give you an idea of different places you could try.
As Dean mentioned, the recent update changed the AI of the monsters which may make many of those builds unworkable. Basically, the monsters tend to run away from more types of area effect damage than they used to. But I would think the W/Necro builds using Grenth's Balance would still be pretty workable. Here's a thread about those changes (haven't read it myself yet) http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10066984
I don't think people PVP for money. I know that when you win HoH there's a chest for the winners with rare drops, so there is that. But if you just want to try interesting things with your warrior that might get you some money too, then I'd stick with trying out the different farming builds.
And check out this awesome thread about soloing Tyria with the warrior: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10046362 May be out of date with the update, but still quite a piece of work.
Good luck and have fun in the game.
And in that thread I linked above, th