W/N Best Weapons and Armor

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


Hi i havnt been playing GW for very long but iv reached level 20, and have explored quite a bit of the map. Iv just bought glad 15k chest and am gonna get arms. I have, platemail legs, boots and helmet. Is this what i should be going for as i dont have factions? Iv seen some reli kl armor but apparently its only for factions. I like the fact you get more energy and it seems very helpfull.

Also id like to get a necro wand, any ideas? Something around 10k probs. Im using just a totem axe atm, any better weapons? I wanted to get a better fellblade just dont have the money yet. Just getting into farming going to try some UW this weekend maybe.

Opinions? Thanks



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

In front of my monitor.

Knights of the Pearl [KotP]

My W/N uses a gold Furious Fellblade of Swordsmanship and an Exalted Aegis. Of course, the Aegis is a Factions green, but there is a Prophecies equivilent. I just don't know the name.

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


ah thats kl so what does the exalted do to the sword? Plus how much is the fellblade and what mods does it have?




Join Date: Jul 2006




Grimarren I think he can use the exalted aegis too, there are plenty sold in droks, and first thing I sugget you doing is dropping the totem axe, you dont need that unless you're running..

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


oh i see, i just got given it so used it because it was better than my previous weapon. In fellblades what would you reconmend?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

In front of my monitor.

Knights of the Pearl [KotP]

My Fellblade has the following:

Slashing: 15-22 (Swordsmanship 9 required)
15% damage (permanent)
-10 armor (while attacking)
+1 swordsmanship while using skill (20% chance)
Double adrenaline upon successful hit (10% chance)

My Exalted Aegis (shield) has the following:

Armor: 16 (Strength 9 required)
Damage Absorbtion of 5 (20% chance)
+30 hit points

FYI, I have no idea of what these items would be valued at.

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


OOh very nice, ok rite i see. I think my sheild has 16 armor but no other mods (9req) And the totem axe has a few things. Its sorta a temparery weapon whilst i sell off other items and then buy another one. I also am waiting to get gloves 15k glad. ^^




Join Date: Jul 2006




How about before you get 15k armor get yourself a good weapon and shield which is more important then 15k armor, droks armor does the job fine

I suggest Victos Bullwark and Victos blade or Sskai.

Victos bullwark you can get for 15k, Victos blade for 5k Sskai for 8k

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


Don't listen to Grimarren... the sword he's describing to you is considered "rare" and is very expensive for most people. A cheap customized green is JUST AS GOOD. Even a collector's sword with some mods slapped on will do just fine, don't go out and try to buy a fellblade unless you wana spend 50-200k on something that is no better than a sword costing 10k-20k.

It depends on how you play though. If you use alot of adrenal skills, Sskai's sword is perfect for you, and will only cost you about 10k.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006



Even cheaper now, after the 3x greens weekend. You can get a Sskai for like 5k. I think you can find some on the auctions of this site for that.

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


i would suggest a sskai as well here are the stats
15-22 (Req)
10% furiuos
+30 Health

very good for almost anything, keep the totem axe for running unless you wanna sell for around 3-5k.
As they said, get the weapons before the armor.

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


wicked sounds good I have about 8k atm so i can buy the sword, then save for the bullwark

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


Also what about possible axes max price maybe 10-15k ??

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


I dunno wether to get an axe or the ssaki sword..just making sure i get the rite weapon ^^ any more suggestions?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006


Cold Black Eyes


You need to figure out if you want to use axes or swords then get a few of those(greens or collectors + mods) for diferent situations(sskai, something with zealous mod, something with warding mod, etc).

EDIT: And like Franco said, stay away from 15k armor for now. Equipment > style (for now :P)

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


kl sounds good i think i wanna go for axe's i skills i have atm are quite good. And i like using them, whats the axe that glows?

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


Victo's battle axe and Razorstone both look very good although expensive, should i save my money and get one of these?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by Hienrich Lindish
kl sounds good i think i wanna go for axe's i skills i have atm are quite good. And i like using them, whats the axe that glows?
Chaos Axe... Once again! You can't afford a decent one of these yet.
For the mean time you need to forget choosing weapons based on their skins... As you're not expierenced or wealthy enough to be thinking about buying them. Stats are far more important than looks at this time for you... So just focus on getting equipment that does the job for as little as possible.

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


Ok kl, so an axe that would do this around 10k would be?

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


Gothic Dual Axe of Fortitude any good? around 5k in auction




Join Date: Jul 2006




erm I suggest geting a dragoncrest axe (10-15k)

Vampiric 3/1 +30hp

or a Wings axe (8k) ??

Zealous 1/1 +30hp

Probably the best out there in terms of stats, If a gothic dual axe is for 5k then it must be really really crap, perfect ones go for 400k.

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


kl sounds good


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



If there isn't a green you like then go look at guru's auctions.

Go for something which is +14^50% health
(its not the perfect 15^50 but you'll hardly notice the difference but it will be a lot cheaper)
or you might like a +5 energy weapon depending on your build.

Be careful of the unconditional modifiers as they do have a downside

+15% damage always is nice but as a frontline warrior do you want the -10 armour when attacking ?

I use a Golden Phoenix Blade +15 damage always but it also has -5 energy (its ok it my adrenaline heavy build but if I was using many energy dependant skills I might suffer)

look for equipment thats near to perfect but quite and use the auction here - I use it quite a bit and find people very friendly and honest