Search for Rare Skins myself or farm?
I see alot of people selling good items (15^50 axes or whatever) with rare skins in mass. These people are obviously rich. I want to be on that level, should I search for rare items myslef or just farm ecto or some other form of farming? I have a friend willing to farm with me, and I'm willing to use whatever class is nessisary. I guess what I'm asking is, do rich people farm those rare skins or just farm other items like greens or ecto and then trade for these rare skins or perfect weapons?
I would think they do "both".
You just never know if that item has been "recycled" through many different players. It's pretty much a cycle.
Whichever way they(you) do it. If you keep at it and have enough luck on your side, you will either get something of value to you(to keep) or to another that will compensate you with more money for you to buy what you want.
/ xD.
You just never know if that item has been "recycled" through many different players. It's pretty much a cycle.
Whichever way they(you) do it. If you keep at it and have enough luck on your side, you will either get something of value to you(to keep) or to another that will compensate you with more money for you to buy what you want.
/ xD.
Mmm Some farm ecto a lot, some just do power trading with these items and usually get 5-20 ectos profit per sale, some farm them theirselves, and some do all of it lol.
like said above, good luck , have fun
PS: It's not as easy as it sounds
like said above, good luck , have fun
PS: It's not as easy as it sounds
Malice Black
This is what I did when I farmed
Dual UW runs 5-10 runs
Fow solo runs 5-10 runs
Chest Running 30 keys <Shiverpeaks,FoW>
Kryta farming
The trick is to alternate that way you never get bored of farming the same place.
Dual UW runs 5-10 runs
Fow solo runs 5-10 runs
Chest Running 30 keys <Shiverpeaks,FoW>
Kryta farming
The trick is to alternate that way you never get bored of farming the same place.
in aother words....u will totaly abandon ur life...
no life in RL is the price u pay to be super rich in GW* is it worth it?
*unless u ebay it
no life in RL is the price u pay to be super rich in GW* is it worth it?
*unless u ebay it
Riken Chrono
lilnate, not all super rich in GW have no life, one of my ex guild leaders, one of the richest person in GW probably plays less than most people do. I think you're just saying that because you have no money..just my guess
Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
lilnate, not all super rich in GW have no life, one of my ex guild leaders, one of the richest person in GW probably plays less than most people do. I think you're just saying that because you have no money..just my guess

Malice Black
Farming alone won't make you "uber" rich in this game. Once you have a small amount of gold (1mill) start investing in items which can be sold on for a profit.
i say shiroken farming ftw!!
Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
Farming alone won't make you "uber" rich in this game. Once you have a small amount of gold (1mill) start investing in items which can be sold on for a profit.
lol 450k is not even enough for half of a fow set

Okay. I'm just gunna say it. The most money I've ever had was like 112k. I suck. Thanks for your suggestions. So monk is the way to go? Mo/Me? I don't suck, but I don't have much expirience with monks. Should I make and use a PvP monk in the few days I level up my PvE monk for unlocking skills and getting real expirience with monking?