For the Love of Money



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Profits of Balthazar


Okay, i bet this has been asked a lot, so please dont give me crap for it . I have been playing GW for almost 6 months now and i have been always wondering how people get all there money. I am always seeing people buying things for high prices and wearing expensive armor. I know there are a lot of ways to make money (eg. farming, UW...) but to do these things you have to have money to get started. I was wondering if anybody had some ideas of making some quick cash. I have factions and profecies. Thanks in advance

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


welllll to get 500k-300k in 3 days is easy. make a silver sin, farm greens, and sell it to people. but ppl said running is da best way to make money but im not looking forward to it cuz i suck at running



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by chicks boy
make a silver sin, farm greens, and sell it to people.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


1] Buying items at a low price and selling higher for profit is the best method. For example, i saw someone selling a req.12 15^50 Mursaat Hammer for 12k, I bought it then went elsewhere and sold it for 95k. Look for bargains and never be afraid to look at an item if someone's WTS message is too vague.

2] New farming builds can open the door to a multitude of wealth. For example I took advantage of the R/N boss-touching and A/E Shadow 'farmer' builds when they were first discovered and farmed and sold while the greens were expensive.

3] 55hp monk. Stable income and very fun if done correctly. Underworld is the best place for 55-ing.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Profits of Balthazar


Originally Posted by makosi
1] Buying items at a low price and selling higher for profit is the best method. For example, i saw someone selling a req.12 15^50 Mursaat Hammer for 12k, I bought it then went elsewhere and sold it for 95k. Look for bargains and never be afraid to look at an item if someone's WTS message is too vague.

2] New farming builds can open the door to a multitude of wealth. For example I took advantage of the R/N boss-touching and A/E Shadow 'farmer' builds when they were first discovered and farmed and sold while the greens were expensive.

3] 55hp monk. Stable income and very fun if done correctly. Underworld is the best place for 55-ing.
These are all good ideas and i have considered the 55 monk, but like i said before it takes a good amount of money to make a 55 and i dont have money, sry if im sounding like a little kid wining for something lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Holy Patriots


55ing is way worth it. That's probaly the most fun I've had while playing PvE.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


Originally Posted by keegan7390
These are all good ideas and i have considered the 55 monk, but like i said before it takes a good amount of money to make a 55 and i dont have money, sry if im sounding like a little kid wining for something lol
The 5 runes cost ~4k each = 20k
Shing Jea armour = ~420g

Once you find 3 ectos, you've made it all back. From then on, its all gain.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

What do you have? A warrior/monk doesn't need anything in particular to farm other than max armor, weapon, shield - none of which need to be expensive and even collectors gear will work. Use the wammo to farm Trolls, Minotaurs, Hydras, whatever to make the cash to get started on a monk 55er, if desired.

I just play the game and do some very casual farming and have everything I need either from the game itself or some purchases, usually under 10k. The most expensive thing I've purchased is a shield for like 25k. I have probably 125k total in cash and 5 toons to spend it on.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


Originally Posted by keegan7390
These are all good ideas and i have considered the 55 monk, but like i said before it takes a good amount of money to make a 55 and i dont have money, sry if im sounding like a little kid wining for something lol
make a 605 monk, or a 55 necro/ele/mesmer/whatever. If you want to farm, there are a lot of builds available that do not take 5 superior monk runes that work very well. After you farm enough, you could buy the needed equipment for a 55 monk or just keep using one of the other builds.

As far as farming, the best way to make the most money is to come up with your own builds for areas that arn't farmed that much. Once a build hits these forums, it is only a matter of time untill that run stops producing enough money, expecially when farming for greens.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Profits of Balthazar


Thanks for all of the tips , I have made a monk and am goin to make him a 55 as soon as i can. Also vinegrower (or anybody) i am interested in your 605 monk.




Join Date: Jul 2006




nooooooooooooooo, ok i am a big fan of 55 monks but if you are short in cash dont make a 55 monk , do a spirit bounder (605) all you need is ascalon/shing jea armor which doesnt cost more then 400g. a minor protections rune and a minor divine favor.

Look around in Farming forums or use the search or go to gw wiki and u ll see .

Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

With many other ugly people

We Are All Pretty [ugly]


I don't think you necessarily need 605 HP for Spirit Bond...Spirit Bond triggers before Protective Spirit so you would get the healing with any amount of health.

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


yea phoenix is right, i use 375 health on my monk and it works fine



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


Phoenix is right, 605hp is not needed, it is just kind of stuck as the name for the build. It is also called the Spirit bonder, and you can learn about it here:



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Spirit bond = poor mans 55.. but as been said it works! My guild leader was farming lvel28's last night for greens (he was "trying" out the spirit bond build, been a die hard 55'er), got 2 decent drops in 30 minutes!

James Bondo

James Bondo

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Allied Brotherhood Clan


I'm a Bonder myself and my motto is a quote from from an old rocker
" I've got a spade and a pick-axe
And a hundred miles square of land to churn about
My old horse is weary but sincerely
I believe that he can pull a plough
Well I've moved into the jungle of the agriculture rumble,
To grow my own food
And I'll dig and plough and scrape the weeds
Till I succeed in seeing cabbage growing through
Now I'm a farmer an I'm diggin diggin diggin diggin diggin
It's alarming how charming it is to be a farming
How calming and balming the effect of the air."

Three words!!!
farm farm farm
Pick a class and learn the farms SF FoW UW Tombs ect ect ect much less the areas of Cantha. If you need some help look in these walls or google anything on this game you'll find it. Oh and it helps to have a tight knit guild that builds everyones 1st farmer from getting them to Droks to spending $$$$ and material for max armor then get them through to pro farming statis . Heck its just videogame money . Hear this everyone help is the strength in your guild not just getting factions numbers by having more people , unless you want a select few to be rich or poor spread the wealth and knowledge out there . And no you dont need to be a 55 to make $$$ in this game. More ways than ONE to make $$$
Oh yah sell all regular non rare high req golds for 1k each unidented.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


It is often called 605 hp monk because some people don't understand how Spirit Bond works. They thought that Spirit Bond triggers after Protective Spirit so PS will cap the single maximum damage to 60 and SB triggers at 60, received damage and gained health are at optimal level. This is completely false. SB will trigger before PS so having high health does nothing unless you have Retribution or Holy Wrath enchantments on you.

However, having 55 hp or 105 hp (sometimes still the best) is not always the solution for Spirit Bond monk because you are weak against massive health degeneration or life stealing. Something like 300-400 hp is fine. Don't waste skill slots or some money for higher health unless you are using Retribution or Holy Wrath.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


You could also make a 55 mesmer they are very cheap to make all you need is -50 hp cesta for a few k and 5 sup runes mesmer ones are 100-200 g . I would have made a bonder but i dont have factions so made the 55




Join Date: Jul 2006




-_- It doesnt have to have 605hp, its just a name /doh



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


<< winning HoH getting lots of sigils and gold for me



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Profits of Balthazar


Good Ideas, i think what im goin to do is make a SB and later make a 55. By the way where are the best places to get the skills Spirit Bond and Silver Armor. Thanks for all of the ideas!

James Bondo

James Bondo

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Allied Brotherhood Clan


You can make a Bonder in Prophesies all esential skills are in Tyria.
Balthazars Spirit
Life Barrier (elite)
Life Bond
Vital Blessing
Mend Ailment
Mend Condition or Reverse Hex
Blessed Signet



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Profits of Balthazar


Originally Posted by James Bondo
You can make a Bonder in Prophesies all esential skills are in Tyria.
Balthazars Spirit
Life Barrier (elite)
Life Bond
Vital Blessing
Mend Ailment
Mend Condition or Reverse Hex
Blessed Signet
hmm, that does work but my monk is in cantha and is already pretty far and kindda want to stay with him...




Join Date: Jul 2006




... James, Try reading the first post before answearing .

You need prophecies and factions to do a SB because Spirit Bound is a factios skill, but 55 you can do it with prophecies only.

you can get spirit bound in kainang center, and use this site to check the rest, which i know but am too lazy to type it.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Profits of Balthazar


Originally Posted by Franco
... James, Try reading the first post before answearing .

You need prophecies and factions to do a SB because Spirit Bound is a factios skill, but 55 you can do it with prophecies only.

you can get spirit bound in kainang center, and use this site to check the rest, which i know but am too lazy to type it.
lol thx man that helped