Gah! you guys are hyping me up. ><
I did not buy it today and talked myself down to try and make a good decision. You all have been awesome to me thus far and I appreciate you answering these dinky questions about the game. So thank you for all this info.
I did do more research on it and I also realized that it is alot smarter to get the orignal. I went looking to see what I could find and found a copy of prophecies for 30-40 bucks(I forget which) but most places was 50. But in the end I decided to hold off before I bought anything with Nightfall so close. And there it was everywhere I went, with a pre-order right beside prophecies and factions. I think it was that that made me not buy today. lol.
Originally Posted by Cunning
If you want to be capable in all areas of PvP you will need to get all three chapters, however there's no point getting them all until you're ready for PvP, which will take a while.
That makes sense and I know what you mean. I am hoping to find a good PvP org. I am waiting for Warhammer Online to come out next year and want something to play while I wait. From the looks of it, I will be playing both.
but in the end I play this game for PvP.
To know its system is good enough to keep someone soley in the game for it makes me want to try it out even more. That is what I am looking for myself.
If I were you I would skip Factions and grab Prophecies (original) first, then get Nightfall (upcoming) if you intend to stay around. You probably won't want to get into PvP at the beginning because of the highly competitive challenge, and the only reason you would get Factions is if you need some of the exclusive skills.
I highly discourage getting Factions for newcomers, I found the missions excruciatingly dull, unrewarding and as a result I've never bothered trying to finish it. I didn't even bother unlocking any of the skills for the Ritualist profession because it's a useless profession and is not fun to play.
Sums up alot of what I learned about it today. You weren't the only one to see things this way as well. I may make a PvE charactor to blast off with and try doing everything but while I am power leveling 1 guy be starting out a PvP guy as I begin to understand it.
Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
If you don't want to wait, get Prophecies. factions is not a good place or beginners to learn and it's far inferior in many, many ways to Prophecies in general. Each chapter has its own continent and story-line. They can be played independent of each other or can be linked on the same account. Linking them gives you the ability to take characters from one continent to the others.
That is something I didn't know/understand how it worked. That is a pretty cool system though.
Originally Posted by Steehl
Something people need to understand is that this game weighs heavily on HOW you play your character, not WHAT your character is.
Is this true for PvP as well? SOme games are like this for PvE and not so in PvP.
Originally Posted by Age
I would suggest getting the latest version for now Nightfall and then Prophecies and Factions later it is like haveing series of books.
lol. This game is crazy. Crazy cool that is.
Originally Posted by saphire
you should get a copy of the nightfall prerelease/bonus/preorder/whatever they call it pack for $5-$10 US. It may not only get you a credit discount when you purchase the full NF game on the 27th, but you get 2 trial keys total - for both factions and prophecies. I think it's something like 10 hours or 2wks, I forget. So not only do you get to try out prophecies, and factions, you'll be all set for nightfall as well =)
Excellent. Thanks for the information.

This will probably be the the route I take and will most likely pick up prophecies sometime in the near future.
Originally Posted by Oink The Pig
Good call. I agree 100%. Besides which, the prerelease pack also unlocks an extra character slot when you add Nightfall (i.e. buy the new chapter) to your account and provides 2 bonus weapons for use with the 2 new professions.
Will I get 3 charactors if I get Nightfall or 5 as my first issue? Is Prophecies 4 slots or the first one you buy gets 4 slots? (Instead of 2)
As for whether they still update previous chapters, the answer is rarely outside of skill balances. However, ArenaNet surprised everyone with a whole new explorable area (Sorrow's Furnace) a few months after the Prophecies release, and later turned a PvP Area into a very tough PvE dungeon (moving the old PvP area to a location accessible by both chapters). More recently, they've redone some monster encounters in Prophecies and added some more unique items. So while each chapter may seem set in stone, they can always go back and change things up a bit.
This is very good news to hear. How often is there server downtime for bug fixes and such, out of curiosity?
EDIT: Also, would anyone have a spare key for me to play on prophecies this week while I wait for Nightfall? That would be gnarly. XD