a question about trapping

A Leprechaun

A Leprechaun

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


ok i do a lot of trapping in AB but have not so-far tested this out

ok so i place a trap, lets say a spiked trap then 20 seconds later it is recharged if i use it again will my old spiked trap still be there for 70 seconds more or will in dissapear?

~A Leprechaun~



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Leones Justicia [LEO]


Old trap wont disappear.

A Leprechaun

A Leprechaun

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


ty very much



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


Traps laid down will remain there for 90 secs unless they get activated.
That's why trapping in a close range is more intense on result than trapping in a wide range.
The Bladed Aatxes for instance are easier trapped with all the traps piled up since they deal melee combat and therefor have to get close to you.
Same for the Smite Crawlers.
The Coldfire Nights are best trapped with a 'field' of traps.
Becoz they're casters they have a longer range. You can then easily walk bakwards while tyey come towards you and activate trap after trap after trap.