Nestle Mint Aero
Originally Posted by Bolygo
Not signed, all these stupid PvE ideas, go back to preasearing and learn to play man :/
Originally Posted by Nestle Mint Aero
This idea is going to be shat upon by many people, Pages worth of hate, All directed at you my friend. Run before they get here. Good luck.
Awesome Nuke
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Marz08
It wastes time and money and is unfair.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
Frog, at some point though, you are just asking for too much XP/Grind.
A warrior who's gotten all the warrior skills from the other games will need 25K plus an extra 25 skill points (or 375,000xp) to just get all the warrior skills in nightfall. Now imagine that same person also gets a few monk, paragon, and elementalist skills as well. Now imagine that this same person also needs to get skills for 2-3 other existing PCs and not just new ones from nightfall. Some people have more than 1 PvE character and they might want or need to get their characters skilled up. IMO, the skill buying system should change so that after skill cost 1 plat each, you should be able to buy them with money or with a skill point and not both. You are right in the fact there needs to be some grinding, but right now it is a little too much. |
Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
Honestly, instead of requesting time-free and gold-free PvE content, players should be grateful towards ANet for providing a (somewhat) healthy and fair PvP environment.
Knightsaber Sith
Knightsaber Sith
9th Requiem
Originally Posted by Riesz
What I dread most about new chapters is having to spend 250k+ on just SKILLS.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
A warrior who's gotten all the warrior skills from the other games will need 25K plus an extra 25 skill points (or 375,000xp) to just get all the warrior skills in nightfall.
Originally Posted by Blackhawk
So being able to buy a complete skillpack for a PvP char from the GW Shop is "fair" compared to the ones who grinded for the skills now is it?