skill recharge question
i've had this game since it came out so I really should know the answer to this by now but... WHY is it that after I cast a spell a bunch of times (a random number of times it seems) that spell will at some point recharge approximately a MILLION times slower than usual? And then after that it'll recharge normally for another (apparently) random number of times before going into slo-mo? This happens mainly with high cast rate spells like the heals on my Word monk in pvp where i'm spamming word and orizon and whatnot all over. It also used to happen to my necro when i was running a dark aura build and casting a whole bunch of.. i dont remember, dark pact or something. What's the deal?
The Pointless
Well... are you getting hit by recharge-slowing hexes or conditions? Are you wielding a 20/20 time-halver?

or perhaps somebody around you is using distracting blow/shot or diversion(which would of course fall under the above

no hexes of course I'da noticed that ;p
and yeah I forget what the necro was weilding but the monk has one of those pvp 20/20 wands..
and yeah I forget what the necro was weilding but the monk has one of those pvp 20/20 wands..
Probably Diversion. If you spam spells, you become an easy target for Diversion, and it will barely flicker on your condition monitor before it lengthens your recharge.
diversion! I'll bet that's it. Man what a bastard; i've been in the position of having all four main heals recharging at a snail's pace and no hex that I could see to get rid of to speed things up. Way to shut down a healing monk.
lol, I hate it when something/someone casts diversion on me just 1/10th of a second before I hit the skill.
Disrupting chop, distracting shot, diversion ( i love this one) xD, etc, these are skills that make your recharge time longer,

I frequently have the same problem that the op is exeriencing.
At random times during the game a skill will take an extremely long time to recharge.
I have contacted support and they say this is a connectivity problem.
I am not convinced it is a connectivity issue.
I am working with them to try to check on this.
At random times during the game a skill will take an extremely long time to recharge.
I have contacted support and they say this is a connectivity problem.
I am not convinced it is a connectivity issue.
I am working with them to try to check on this.
Originally Posted by Agatsu
I frequently have the same problem that the op is exeriencing.
At random times during the game a skill will take an extremely long time to recharge. I have contacted support and they say this is a connectivity problem. I am not convinced it is a connectivity issue. I am working with them to try to check on this. |

those 3 skills are reason enough to play an R/mes
blackout just makes it even more fun.

IMHO recharge altering skills/spells, etc should remain visible with the conditions icons for as long as they affect your character...some of them hit you and leave you wondering wtf just happened?....*dies