when i look at the AH what is de meaning of GLD
and what is the best weapon for a Rit/Nerco the name of the weapon plz
greetz shyhiem
need help !!!
The Pointless
Well, there's gold, as in the GW Currency, or there's Gold items, which are rare. They items themselves aren't gold in colour, but the item description is.
Hope this helps.
(I'd advise you use better English though, no offence)
Well, there's gold, as in the GW Currency, or there's Gold items, which are rare. They items themselves aren't gold in colour, but the item description is.
Hope this helps.

(I'd advise you use better English though, no offence)
Translation please?
AH = ?
GLD = ?
AH = ?
GLD = ?
AH= acctions"house"
on this site and when the ppl sell items it says 100GLD so what is GLD
and what weapons is the best for a Rit/nerco plz
on this site and when the ppl sell items it says 100GLD so what is GLD
and what weapons is the best for a Rit/nerco plz
GLD is just gold.
Probably the best weapon for you as a Ritualist is a weapon whose requirements you meet. It's hard to say anything more without more information on what your build is.
Probably the best weapon for you as a Ritualist is a weapon whose requirements you meet. It's hard to say anything more without more information on what your build is.
oke my build looks like this
13 Spawning Power
12 Death
3 Restoration
13 Spawning Power
12 Death
3 Restoration
Yeah, I'd likely do with a minion master weapon or weapon/offhand combination. condider two 20% fast cast/recharge death spell items. Which by the way can easily be gotten from collectors (aka free). Or if you must... Ghials staff is quite good as it combine's this and has +1 death 20% chance.
Spirit Of Azrael
Totem Axe + Collector +12 en, +30 hp, +1 Death (20%)