Which is better?
Heros Warrior
Which is better; Prophecies, Factions, or Nightfall?
Well at this point, prophecies is better then factions, but since we haven't fully played nightfall as of yet we can't really compaire it to the other too. Gives a few weeks after the 27 of oct and we can tell you. But from the looks it will be better possible then both of them.
Gordon Ecker
I'd say that Factions is better than Prophecies, but Prophecies is a much longer campaign and has more skill quests. As for Nightfall, I'd say that Istan compares favorably to Ascalon and Shing Jea Island.
myself i say Prophecies.
i enjoyed the Preview of NF more then the Factions Preview, just hope NF it will not be a let down.
i enjoyed the Preview of NF more then the Factions Preview, just hope NF it will not be a let down.
I have to say, Istan did not particularly impress me during the preview event, but this was probably because I was trying to do everything at once instead of taking my time and enjoying myself like I would during normal gameplay.
As for Prophecies vs. Faction vs. Nightfall, I'd say that each of them has their own pros and cons.
Proph- Pro: It was long and had skill quests. Con: It was long.
Factions- Pro: Alliance Battles ftw. I liked the Asian theme as well. Con: The scenery got repetitive, and there were too many conditions attached to advancement (ie the 10k faction requirement for Gyala Hatchery and Eternal Grove)
Nightfall: Pro: Seems like an awesome story. Hero feature ftw. Con: Feeling the constant urge to farm silly mobs for sunspear rank.
Basically I like all three, but I like Prophecies the best.
As for Prophecies vs. Faction vs. Nightfall, I'd say that each of them has their own pros and cons.
Proph- Pro: It was long and had skill quests. Con: It was long.
Factions- Pro: Alliance Battles ftw. I liked the Asian theme as well. Con: The scenery got repetitive, and there were too many conditions attached to advancement (ie the 10k faction requirement for Gyala Hatchery and Eternal Grove)
Nightfall: Pro: Seems like an awesome story. Hero feature ftw. Con: Feeling the constant urge to farm silly mobs for sunspear rank.
Basically I like all three, but I like Prophecies the best.
Buy more than 1 campaign. Skills from different campaigns work really well together
Going off on a tangent here, but will NF include skill quests?
Originally Posted by Aleks
Going off on a tangent here, but will NF include skill quests?
i dont have a problem with that cos many of skills will be like factions and Prophecies, just clones of others skills, so to do quests just to get the skills were you own the same type but with a diff name would be a waste. thats my opinion
Actually the reason for no skill quests just hit me...
What has ANet done in the past that makes you wonder why we have no skill quests in Factions? Does anyone remember the GW store? Does anyone remember what you can buy in that store? Yes, skills!
Allowing skills to be obtained through quests would ruin this market. Sad... but true. I miss skill quests.
What has ANet done in the past that makes you wonder why we have no skill quests in Factions? Does anyone remember the GW store? Does anyone remember what you can buy in that store? Yes, skills!
Allowing skills to be obtained through quests would ruin this market. Sad... but true. I miss skill quests.
Vermilion Okeanos
I think it depend on the class you want to play.
If you want sin/rit, para/derv, it would be quite obvious.
For the core classes, as necro MinionMaster faction no doubt. Warrior -> prophecies. Ele -> prophecies. Mes -> either one. Monk -> either one (slightly more on faction? personal preference). Ranger -> either one.
In terms of game play on PvE... Defintely nightfall. Hero NPCs = 1337
If you want sin/rit, para/derv, it would be quite obvious.
For the core classes, as necro MinionMaster faction no doubt. Warrior -> prophecies. Ele -> prophecies. Mes -> either one. Monk -> either one (slightly more on faction? personal preference). Ranger -> either one.
In terms of game play on PvE... Defintely nightfall. Hero NPCs = 1337
Velvet Wing
I still prefer Proph over Factions (and as far I have seen) over Nightfall too. Proph really set the standard, has the most usefull skills (just check most used builds..) and it was a challenge to complete the game.. Factions wasn't really.. Don't get me wrong, factions is a great game, really nice setting (asia rules^^) but in my humble opinion it was just to easy to speed trough..
However, the hero addition totally blew me away, really good move from Anet.. I guess that this brings the serie a whole new aura
However, the hero addition totally blew me away, really good move from Anet.. I guess that this brings the serie a whole new aura

Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
For the core classes, as necro MinionMaster faction
It's become apparent how Factions has had a 'Oh we need a MM' impact on the necro.
You won't get far with a MM against corpseless creatures.
Besides. theres two more attributes that can be used here.
The typical Necro = Death Magic comparison is working on my nerves tbh.
SS FTW and you aren't getting that from Factions sorry to say.
Other examples: Soul Leech, Life Transfer, Virulence etc.
You go ahead and accompany a 55 monk in UW with your MM build. I'd love to see that
Alliance Battles are lots of fun but nowadays there is pretty much leeches which ruin it. I find myself playing these battles more than what Prophencies has to offer. The PvE side is challenging in Factions but the maps are quite dull compared to Prophenchies.
Angel Develin
tyria powerrrrr 
agree on leechers they ruin the battles.
I think nightfall is going to be great 2

agree on leechers they ruin the battles.
I think nightfall is going to be great 2

how many threads are we going to get on this subject ^^
Read all of the "Thinking of buying GW" type threads and see what everyone has to say in those.
Lord Sarevok
I'm going to just point out why Anet switched to not having skill quests. You may recall in Prophecies that there were skill quests. And you may also recall that you could only get certain skills at certain points in the game. If you were a ranger, you didn't get your traps until the desert. There were many threads complaining about that state of affairs. So Anet got rid of skill quests that forced you into certain skills at a certain point in the game and let anyone buy any skill at any point in Factions. And there was much rejoicing..