I have been trying to log in for the past fifteen minutes. It gets to the login screen, I log in it sits on Connecting... for a long time, it may make it to the character screen right away, well I get there on rare occasions then sits there on Connecting again.
Now, the thing is I just played my character about four hours ago, nothing in my network settings or anything has been changed, my net is being normal as far as speed goes, I don't know what is going on. My friend isn't having any problems at all. Nothing has changed and now its being difficult in connecting, I made it to the Loading screen for a place and it got stuck on connecting there.
So, anyone else having this problem as well? Or, anyone else noticed this before and fixed it? Any help here would be great. Thanks.
Network Problems / Lag
Try a system restore maybe? Maybe a possible port was blocked and such but im sure guildwars would leave some sort of notification.
Originally Posted by Adaria
I have been trying to log in for the past fifteen minutes. It gets to the login screen, I log in it sits on Connecting... for a long time, it may make it to the character screen right away, well I get there on rare occasions then sits there on Connecting again.
Now, the thing is I just played my character about four hours ago, nothing in my network settings or anything has been changed, my net is being normal as far as speed goes, I don't know what is going on. My friend isn't having any problems at all. Nothing has changed and now its being difficult in connecting, I made it to the Loading screen for a place and it got stuck on connecting there. So, anyone else having this problem as well? Or, anyone else noticed this before and fixed it? Any help here would be great. Thanks. |
I still can't load into the game >.<
Lania Elderfire
Same here, lots of err7's and random disconnects, and I have a cable internet connection... so I definately think it's Anet
Experiencing the same problems.
I managed to actually log in and load to hzh, but I lagged out 30 sec later and I should have loaded to my gh.
I managed to actually log in and load to hzh, but I lagged out 30 sec later and I should have loaded to my gh.
kaotic tyberius
i have had the same problem since around 7 est today as well, ive been logging on and it takes forever to log on, but i get stuck at most of the connecting screens. whenever i do get into a map, i had it so that i could leave town and go anywhere i want to go, but it wouldnt zone me. i actually made it to the edge of the map outside zos shivros channel. if you can find a solution to this problem, please let us know
Lania Elderfire
I remember this happening before right before the nightfall preview event. So maybe Anet is doing something with their servers thats screwing up certain people's connection?? Just speculation
this is happening to me as well. i'm pretty sure its anets servers but i dont know for sure.
It just suddenly fixed itself at some point around eleven thirty I think, last night, EST time. I get the feeling it was a problem with GW since so many of us were having the problems. Hopefully it won't do this again. It was annoying and gave me a headache doing all I could, even redloading the client to see if it fixed it.