? about alliances
Devil Wolf
You know how if you are the leader of a party of 2 and you invite someone who is the leader of a party of 3 then they become the party leader because they had more people in their party than yours before they merged? I was curious if guild alliances worked the same way. if i have an alliance with one other guild and a guild wants me to invite them into my alliance, but they have an alliance with say 5 other guilds then would they or their current alliance leader become my alliance leader?
I believe you have a choice as to who is the leader, ie if you decide you want to be leader, then you send the invite, if another guild who is leading an alliance wants you to join, then they send you an invite, so it doesn't quite work the same way team invites work
Devil Wolf
k ty for the info.but just to set my mind to maximum ease. could i get a agreement to what slainster was nice enough to answer for me?
It is just like inviting a person into the guild, whoever sends the invite to the other guild is inviting them into their alliance.
Devil Wolf
ah ok. my mind is at ease. thank both of you for your help