A pet improvement suggestion...

Kex Doomlich

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

As I figured yesterday...pets AI is pretty bad...actually, more bad than i expected...I don't know is that on purpose or not but anyway,
I ran beast master build yesterday, basically, pet deals all the damage, and i just call targets for him with my longbow. Anyways, my pet had Call Of Haste casted on him all the time which means that he runs 25% faster and attacks 25% faster. However, when facing a certain opponent that ran in circles all the time, pet didnt attack even once. Its then i figured that pet runs to opponent, STANDS IN PLACE, and then attempts a attack, however, by the time he stands in place, opponent already runs far enough making him unable to attack and therefore fully disabling my pet.
While for example, if you run a shock warrior, and cast sprint, whenever you catch up with your opponent you will succesfully make a blow and then chase it again for a while and succesfully deal another blow.

Is it possible to nerf the pet this way so he doesn't suck totally?

Thank you.