Anyone having trouble logging on GW?
Poison Ivy
I can't log on, getting into the characters screen takes forever, but I could get there. Trying logging on into a PvE character takes 30 seconds...before I get errored out.
I am getting error code 72 :S
Chilly Ress
Like people have already told me, there are several threads concerning this subject already, 1 started by me right below this too!
achilles ankle
Cant log on as well, getting the code 72 after like half a minute of connecting. If i had to guess.....its got sumting to do with this dragon thingy...sumthing always happens when this comes.
Yup, I'm getting the code "072" as well
yep something is down. ERR 72 for me
Mister Overhill
I'm getting the same thing.
Error 72 is a server issue on their part, so we just have to wait it out until it gets taken care of.
More than likely, it's due to the boardwalk.
Error 72 is a server issue on their part, so we just have to wait it out until it gets taken care of.
More than likely, it's due to the boardwalk.
Meh thought it was just me =/