How can warrior/any but not necro??



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

New Zealand


i saw a warrior and his secondary was definatly not necro and he used spiteful spirit on me. I was targeting him and under his health bar up the top it showed he was using spiteful spirit and then i got spiteful spirit on is this possible??
Do u tihnk it might be a bug?? or a bug abuser??

Lord Sarevok

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ottawa, Canada


His secondary could have been mesmer. In which case he could use inspired/revealed hex and remove spiteful hex from a teammate and then cast it on you. Or he can use arcane mimicry and copy a teammate's copy of spiteful spirit. In all of the above situations, his spiteful is a joke since he has 0 in curses. And warriors doing any of the above are also bad.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

New Zealand


ok thank you for your reply

p.s. i didnt knw u could mimic the skills so thats a cool thing to learn

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


theres a few mimic spells, all in the mesmer line. most are inspiration related. You can mimic hexes on allies, elite skills on allies, random skills on enemies, and probably something else im forgetting

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Wrath Of Dragons
theres a few mimic spells, all in the mesmer line. most are inspiration related. You can mimic hexes on allies, elite skills on allies, random skills on enemies, and probably something else im forgetting
Arcane Larceny/Theivary - Random Spell on enemies bar.

Arcane Mimicry - Target allies Elite ("Avatar" elites from Dervishes cant be mimed).

Inspired/Revealed Hex - Hex off of an Ally

Inspired/Revealed Enchantment - Enchantment from a foe.