We get to ride sand wurms!
Halc yon
What do you guys think about these new mounts? okay... i wouldn't call them mounts because we ride in their mouth.
They have skills and everything.
They have skills and everything.
Sounds very odd.
Knightsaber Sith
And you get to jump out of the ground and whomp people on the head.
Halc yon
and you can make the wurms dance!
I really hope people dont let their imaginations carry them away a little too much about this. To me it seems like its changing the character skin to that of a worm (like in the 3mission in nightfall) and then giving them custom skills... It would be cool to see the player get swallowed or regurgitated and have the worm do other funky stuff, but still, I think I'll wait till the game comes out and stiffle my imagination a little XD
I think they wurms will be the hotest and must popluar thing in guild wars
Ride worms that be awsome! Where's my stilsuit?
Chilly Ress
We know!
Hero vs. Hero isn't enough. I want Wurm vs. Wurm!
I would hate to see the size of that fish. Seems cool.
Dune tribute FTW.
I see wurm sign!
I see wurm sign!
I wish I could pull off a video that incorporate this and the idea of the SNL skit "Land Shark." At the end the person says when in the wurm "hey it's not so bad in here."
Phoenix Arrows
Seems...interesting. I wonder what ANet will do with these Wurms...
maked sense for my char Muadib and his pet named spice 8-)
Cow Tale
i could sure go for some spice right about now!
It would be awesome if (a) there was spice in the game and (b) if you consumed enough your character's eyes would glow flourescent blue. Looks like it's Sardelac time!
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
It would be awesome if (a) there was spice in the game and (b) if you consumed enough your character's eyes would glow flourescent blue. Looks like it's Sardelac time!
Velvet Wing
My god, riding that wurm would be so awesome!! Are there video's available already??
Hope they make a tic-tac big enough.
Originally Posted by Gamespot
One mission requires you to navigate through a region so toxic that your character will die if he or she is caught in the middle of it. The solution is to accomplish a series of quests that eventually lead you to defeating the queen of a race of wurms, gigantic sand worms that can move through the toxic region. If you gain the queen's respect by proving you can stand up to her in a fight, you'll be able to enlist her offspring. Basically, a wurm will come out of the sand and "swallow" your character. Don't worry, your character is actually being carried in the wurm's maw. But you'll now control the wurm directly and have access to many wurm-specific skills, such as being able to rear the wurm's body out of the ground and body slam an opponent for massive amounts of damage
lol... it sounds so silly gonna be fun tho
Fred Kiwi
Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Hope they make a tic-tac big enough.
I hope we get wurm signs the way God has never seen!
(Could this wurm queen be the next Glint/Kunavang?)
(Could this wurm queen be the next Glint/Kunavang?)
"May shihalud clear the path before you." And it sounds like that is exactly what they will be doing - burst up from the ground and knock people senseless.
I will admit to a particular preference to the sandworms of the Dune movie simply because they were made HUGE. Yeah, its all about size . . ..
I will admit to a particular preference to the sandworms of the Dune movie simply because they were made HUGE. Yeah, its all about size . . ..
Velvet Wing
I still recall the female sound mentioning sand wurms in the area (I believe it was dune 2) and still send my troops into the fray.. (I mean, how bad can a wurm be?? It is small, has no eyes, no teeth, 2 heads, where one is on his behind ) just to see a gaping hole open up from under them, and swallowing a platoon in whole.. Wow, I never knew wurms could grow that big..
Originally Posted by gr3g
Hero vs. Hero isn't enough. I want Wurm vs. Wurm!
so cool... what's next, glint vs glint?
this is just an example of how awesome the quests and mission are gonna be in NF. I just can't wait any longer.
Thorondor Port
Id really rather have fullsize saltspray dragon as a pet (wouldnt even have to ride it, although that would be sweet too)
but i guess i can settle for a worm....
but i guess i can settle for a worm....
Originally Posted by Fluffyx
Lmao. My worm would so pwn yours. ;D
My fellow Tyrians, I have ridden the mighty moonworm!
Kull Wahad!