wow congradz on 11 mil exp, my pve mes is waaaaaay behind u, she's getting close to 4mil exp
yes perfect weapons r alittle bit overrated, i agree, however i still dont like non-max white weapons, mb i'm too picky
Originally Posted by Mera Regila
Incorrect, why do you PvPers constantly bash PvE? I bet I could put a balanced GvG group in the Underworld to farm, they would die before they could even escape the Aatxes. It'd go something like this:
Warrior #1: Frenzy!
Warrior #1: *Dies Seconds Later*
Warrior #2: Same
Warriors: OMG PV3 N00000BS!!!!!!! RIPOSTE IS NOOB!!!!!!
Aatxes: *Nothing*
This repeats for several times until the team is out of ressigs. The Ranger is the next to die:
Ranger: H4x0r!!!!
Elementalist: OMG!!
Monks: OMG h4x!!!
All dead. Align's fix was better.
geeze u missed the funny part

there was a time (like few month be4 factions release) when evrbdy and their grandma were farming fame with i-way tanks and of cos after w/r hit r8-r9 and got crapload of sigils they can afford a brand-new fow armor to look rly intimidating while spamming their rank animation.... but they have to get to the forgemaster 1st! so for few weeks toa am1 was full of r7+ iway teams trying to get to the forgemaster. well, usually i'm monking for fow pugs if theres nothing else i can/want to do, especially if there arent alot of guildies on, but with 5-6 hi-ranked iway teams forming in toa1 theres nothing to do for a pve monky but sit patiently near the statue, drink my coffee and place bets with other pve monks on how fast this particular r9+ group will be back to toa1 and spamming LFM.... after returning to the town few times they usually tryed to find a solution, such as take some unranked pve monk with them. now, some of monks r picky and wont waste their time and energy on healing 5 frenzied w/r with ss on them, i'm not the picky monk tho, i'm accepting 1st invite from the pug with more than 5 ppl in it and off we go, i'll heal till evr1 will leave or we'll get wiped. so of cos i monked for few ranked i-way forge groups, heres the average conversation:
leader: whats ur rank?
me: pve monks got no ranks
leader: what build?
me: boon prot
another w/r: wow pve monks run boon prot
leader: ok, looks like theres no ranked monks so we're going to give u a chance... do u know what fow armor is?
me: what do u think i'm wearing?
leader: oh, ok, 1 means rdy, try to remember
5 min in fow, 2 shadow beasts later, 5 w/r with ss on them, necro sacs himself and getting spiked and holy veil recharges too slow for the only monky, even boon protter, to save the day.....
leader: monk, wtf u think u're doing
me: stop attacking with ss on u pls
leader: wtf heal
another w/r: told u we need a normal ranked monk
me: oh well u rly should pay attention to hexes on u
rare ranked iway pug made it to the book quest and i have to tell u it's such a pain to heal designated bookholder in glads armor w/o the dolyaks but with 30%DP....... i'm not saying its impossible, it was a good practice

it beats me why they were trying to swap their weapons, dropped book means trouble

but then again, what can pve monk know about weapons swapping while holding the book