Well, I'm currently trying various ways to stop my 1 second cast time skills, like the Dragon Blast in Dragon Arena. I have seen it done before, and I would like to know how to do it so I can stop those mutual kills and kill them after they miss me.
an example (if you dont get it) is when your using healing signet. You simply move foward while using it and it'll stop the casting. Anyone know how to do this with 1 second cast skills?
Stopping 1 second skills?
Sasuke The Betrayer
i'm not really sure but i believe if u double tap down or hit x it performs a 180 degree spin and that might work.
you can assign a button to cancel skills
pressing escape cancels your current action. I think that is the default, you could probably change it to another key.
Sasuke The Betrayer
Thanks so much, I'm doing alot better in Dragon Arena.