I just di nahpui for the masters and It just hit me that he chnages from a unique skin to a regular canthan once you complet the mission.
Stunned by this I went to beat Shiro to see if it was just a glitch. Lo and behold He is also a regular canthan after I beat shiro.
So my question stands. What the hell anet?
Whats up with Suun?
The one Casey Squid
Come now, no one is perfect!
The Pointless
It's been like that for some time now, It's kind of annoying that they haven't sorted it, because it's probably one of easiest things to fix.

Eh... These things happen...
Could be a slip up by a designer, a coding error, anything...
Captain Osric in Pre searing looks like a random Ascaloian guard when you first see him outside talking to Rurik about the gift quest...
Of course- once you return to him with the items, he's back to his real skin...
Could be a slip up by a designer, a coding error, anything...
Captain Osric in Pre searing looks like a random Ascaloian guard when you first see him outside talking to Rurik about the gift quest...
Of course- once you return to him with the items, he's back to his real skin...
Osric got fixed already. But I doubt Suun will ever get fixed.
Same goes to the gender-confusing hero spirits in Tahnnakai Temple...
Same goes to the gender-confusing hero spirits in Tahnnakai Temple...
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
Osric got fixed already.
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
Osric got fixed already. But I doubt Suun will ever get fixed.
Same goes to the gender-confusing hero spirits in Tahnnakai Temple... |