Knightsaber Sith
Is it normal for bosses (other than Kanaxai or Urgoz) to drop multiple greens at once?
I was just wondering because I was screwing around in Grenth's Footprint and Gargash gave me his horn bow and the stinger and that was the first time I've ever seen that happen. Too bad it didn't happen with a boss that drops greens that are actually worth something.....
I was just wondering because I was screwing around in Grenth's Footprint and Gargash gave me his horn bow and the stinger and that was the first time I've ever seen that happen. Too bad it didn't happen with a boss that drops greens that are actually worth something.....
Spirit Of Azrael
Yeah, in SF the monk got a pair of the Mesmer bosses greens. Only seen it happen once though.
Knightsaber Sith
ah tnx
The queen in the desert dropped two Kepkhet's Refuge for me at one time.
^ I've seen her do that a lot.
Also, The Darkness in Tombs always drop 2-3 each.
Also, The Darkness in Tombs always drop 2-3 each.
all do really :P
ive seen stonereaper drop twice, then zarnas after, kephkets, some nub greens at shing jae, even some at SF, like, i got 2 of the 20/20 dragos flatbows in one run the day they came out, and bortaks cesta/claw with 7 henchies when i did random quests after, hahaha, lots of fun.
ive seen stonereaper drop twice, then zarnas after, kephkets, some nub greens at shing jae, even some at SF, like, i got 2 of the 20/20 dragos flatbows in one run the day they came out, and bortaks cesta/claw with 7 henchies when i did random quests after, hahaha, lots of fun.

Immaculata Regina
Flint Fleshcleaver gave me both his wand and his staff recently. And I had 7 henchies with me at the time

Arcanis the Omnipotent
But its only normal for Prophecies greens.
Normal canthan greens have a lower drop rate, and usually only drop one at a time if at all.
Normal canthan greens have a lower drop rate, and usually only drop one at a time if at all.
Bowstring Badass
This does happen often like Rotscale and the Rotting Dragons with him. The Rotting Dragons can drop multiple Rotscale Recurves and so can Rotscale.
Riken Chrono
the rotting dragons dont drop the recurve bow do they?!
Yes they do they drop them and the Rotscale himself does to
All the sorrow's bosses who drop greens have 3 different ones they can drop, and *may* drop up to one of each. I've never heard of a factions boss dropping more than one, and dont really believe it...with the exception of the kanaxai and urgoz who drop all 3 every time, and Jane who does have 2 different greens.