Buy Guilwars


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

I am thinking of buying all the Guildwars games i just don't know wich one i would like a advise.(the prophecies is cheaper). I am thinking buying Nightfall, prophecies,factions in this order

More one thing when we buy 1 guilwas game and make it's campaign can we also make the campaings of the other with my character or we must create a new on?
Wheb i buy the game i also have to buy the account after that?

I ask this questions because you are the best fansite and i didn't found the official forum, i know that it's off topic but please answer.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


Good choice on order of purchase.
Yes a character can travel between campaigns. As long as you link each to one account. The downside of this is you will miss earlier items in the opposite campaign as you will be entering at a point where the stories merge. So you still may want to create a new character for each campaign eventually. To see all the chapter/campaign has to offer.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by SoulStrider
I am thinking of buying all the Guildwars games i just don't know wich one i would like a advise.(the prophecies is cheaper). I am thinking buying Nightfall, prophecies,factions in this order
That's a good order to do it in, since Nightfall is going to have all the attention next week and the other 2 won't have as many people in them.

More one thing when we buy 1 guilwas game and make it's campaign can we also make the campaings of the other with my character or we must create a new on?
When you link each chapter to your account, you'll be able to take your characters from one place to another by way of port cities. You just have to get your character to one before you can do it though. You also get 4 character slots for the first game you install, and 2 more slots for each addtional chapter you add to your account.

Wheb i buy the game i also have to buy the account after that?
When you install the game, you'll create your account. No additional purchase needed.

I ask this questions because you are the best fansite and i didn't found the official forum, i know that it's off topic but please answer.
Welcome to GWguru. Hope you enjoy your time here.