What are titles really good for?
Can anyone tell me what titles are good for, please? Since IWAY I got bored of HoH and since farming champ points exists, GvG seems meaningless, too.
Does the title "Lucky" really make you luckier than others? Or the Protector of Canthan make you have more Protection in something?
As far as I can recall you cannot get anything by archieving titles. May be the Lightbringer title will give us something in Nightfall.
I suggest that by getting certain titles you are allowed to get certain things in PvE that others cannot get. For example, special armor.
In case of armor. Let s say > Only players with the "Unlucky title" are allowed to buy an armor that players without this title cannot buy, for example the "Beggar Armor set".
Or the Protectors only can a "Royal Armor Set" etc
Please note that the beggar armor and the royal armor sets do not have any stats that other sets do not have. It is just the look.
But instead of armor there are many other thing thinkable for titles only.
Does the title "Lucky" really make you luckier than others? Or the Protector of Canthan make you have more Protection in something?
As far as I can recall you cannot get anything by archieving titles. May be the Lightbringer title will give us something in Nightfall.
I suggest that by getting certain titles you are allowed to get certain things in PvE that others cannot get. For example, special armor.
In case of armor. Let s say > Only players with the "Unlucky title" are allowed to buy an armor that players without this title cannot buy, for example the "Beggar Armor set".
Or the Protectors only can a "Royal Armor Set" etc
Please note that the beggar armor and the royal armor sets do not have any stats that other sets do not have. It is just the look.
But instead of armor there are many other thing thinkable for titles only.
Sir Mad
At the moment they have no effect. That will change with Nightfall but we don't know how it will work yet.
Basically so far all they give you are bragging rights, and make you feel 'special'.
It'll change with NF? Where'd you hear that?

Originally Posted by Sir Mad
At the moment they have no effect. That will change with Nightfall but we don't know how it will work yet.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Shadowfrost
Basically so far all they give you are bragging rights, and make you feel 'special'.
![]() It'll change with NF? Where'd you hear that? |
3rd question down.
Knight Othin Of War
i wonder how you get the lightbringer title tho, haveto wait till next week to find out

Combining the Warrior's armour with the Monk's defensive spells, the "Whammo" is one of the most popular builds in the game. Koss should repeatedly use Sever Artery and Gash to inflict Bleeding and Deep Wound Conditions, while "Watch Yourself!" improves the armour for everyone on your team in earshot, and Healing Breeze and Orison of Healing keep everyone healthy. Should a Hero fall in battle, Koss can rez them with Resurrect. His heavy armour and high Health makes it easier for him to endure the spell's long casting time. Finally, he can use Mend Ailment to aid allies with Condition removal. |
Moppy, it's a easy to use build that anyone can make early on with only core skills. I don't blame Anet for making it like that.
A-net, PLEASE don't encourage the wammos.......
Kool Pajamas
Combining the Warrior's armour with the Monk's defensive spells, the "Whammo" is one of the most popular builds in the game. Koss should repeatedly use Sever Artery and Gash to inflict Bleeding and Deep Wound Conditions, while "Watch Yourself!" improves the armour for everyone on your team in earshot, and Healing Breeze and Orison of Healing keep everyone healthy. Should a Hero fall in battle, Koss can rez them with Resurrect. His heavy armour and high Health makes it easier for him to endure the spell's long casting time. Finally, he can use Mend Ailment to aid allies with Condition removal. |
In case you didn't already read the URL above:
All I can say is "woot!"
Q: We’ve been told about several major Nightfall features, but are there other unannounced features that players might want to know about? Phinney: Yes. While we’ve announced some of the larger features of Nightfall, there are a lot of exciting things we haven’t showcased yet. I’ll give one big example: Guild Wars Factions™ introduced the idea of titles, and we felt they brought a lot to the game. With Nightfall, we wanted to expand on that idea. Earning ranks in some titles will now give you in-game bonuses. One example of this new type of title is the Lightbringer. When displayed, this title gives you damage reduction and extra damage against demons. There will even be some PvE-only skills you can learn that become more powerful with each rank of the Lightbringer title. We’ll also be updating some existing titles this way. For instance, after Nightfall releases, you’ll actually have a chance of successfully removing a magic component, like a Fiery Sword Hilt, without destroying the item it’s attached to. The Wisdom title (earned by identifying items) will improve your ability to do this. There are a lot of other touches like this that you’ll see in Nightfall. Some of them are new features. Some of them are refinements of existing features. Some are just examples of us doing a better job using the features we have. We’re always discussing our own experiences and all the feedback we see in the forums, and looking for ways to make Guild Wars more rewarding, more dynamic, and more polished. Overall, I feel really good about how Nightfall is turning out. I think the whole team feels that way. |

dont forget Anet made the Paladin warrior =P
He doesn't even have max Swordsmanship! BUT WHYYYY??
Um...because you can customize heroes to have the stats and skills you want? Just because you don't like a default set, doesn't mean he is Stefan version 2.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
They messed up, he is supposed to have mending, healing breeze, healing hands, and rebirth. lmao.
They show you how experienced the other player is. Or how much of a life they don't have.
I think Lucky is the most retarded title.... wow, I waste 60k sitting in one spot for fifty billion hours. Fun.
I think Lucky is the most retarded title.... wow, I waste 60k sitting in one spot for fifty billion hours. Fun.
Aera Lure
Titles having in game effect = Worst. Idea. Ever.
(which i dont really have yet... but that wont take long!) (well, 6000 minutes -_-" never mind) i mean drunkard title 
maybe... ill become resistent to poison/disease?

maybe... ill become resistent to poison/disease?

Gizzen Garr
Titles are for other people to see our acomplisments in the game, and say if you have tyrian grand master cartographer title (one of hardest pve titles imo) chances are people will listen to you about strategy a lil bit more than your average wammo.
Kool Pajamas
Originally Posted by MMSDome
you forgot live viscariously

Terra Xin
To expand on the lucky/unlucky titles that were brushed upon in this therad, I wouldn't mind seeing armour related pieces correlate with the popular idea of town-clothing that has been suggested before.
The explorer titles make it that much faster for you to get people for runs.
The explorer titles make it that much faster for you to get people for runs.
The Missing Monk
Originally Posted by Pandora96
They show you how experienced the other player is. Or how much of a life they don't have.
I think Lucky is the most retarded title.... wow, I waste 60k sitting in one spot for fifty billion hours. Fun. |
Strange, i ask this same question about Titles in real life . :P
Always funny how people always flame any title in any thread about them. For me, the point of titles is not to show off, just to see how much I have actually achied with my character.