healing Hand bugged?or sanctum cay?

Water Angel

Water Angel


Join Date: Mar 2006



i used to run solo sanctum cay mission for cash.

i just did it 4 times...and dead.and guess why?healin hands refused to trigger.

any explnation to this?

i was tankin at vizir easily like usually and when thing gone a bit harder just pulled the healin hand button..once..twice...then3..then 4...and NOTHING happen...and dead.and this on all 4 runs...first time it happen me healing hand refuse to cast when i tank...any ideas?solutions?explications?i casted it w/o pb in middle run for test.worked 10/10...when came to tank it just refuse to trigger...

help please.
ps : ppl with dumb answer like *cause u noob runner* u can as well no answer and kiss ur ***.i know my job. no need stupid remarks.

so if anyone have same problem or solution...

Scorpion Boy

Scorpion Boy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Did you had enough energy?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



It was probably just bag lag or something (really bad since it was on 4 different runs). I get that occationally when playing. Could you use any of your other skills? (Or did you try) Cuz that could explain it.




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

Shatter Enchantment? I hear its quite popular when Mesmer bosses appear in Sanctum Cay.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Isle Of Solitude

Super Kaon Action Team [SuKa]/[DoDo]


multiple possibilities: savage shot might have lucky interupted it, shame might have been on you when you casted it, shatter enchantment short after casting it maybe. Thats all I can think of atm, there might be more..
Well anyway I think that shame is the most likely reason, so check for hexes before using it. Might want to mention if the mesmer boss was there or not.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Sometimes this happens to me, too. Occasionally I will click a skill and it won't work. No hexes or anything, even attack skills. You just have to die and restart...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



White Mantle Ritualists use Well of the Profane. It is of course impossible to cast enchantments while standing in one. Did you see Ritualists or the Well? There are alternatives to Healing Hands, as well.

Water Angel

Water Angel


Join Date: Mar 2006



well for cast well they need a corpse..and i kileld no one...so no corpses for well.

first time i did it was mesmer...
second 2 was ranger...
and 4th time was monk...

i understand could be hex or anythinng but...seriously dun get it.even at monk..or ranger..