I was wondering if there was a way to increase my storage space? It's been full for quite some time with materials, but I'm at the point where I'm getting runes and stuff too. I haven't tried selling anything, and I tried making a new character and got him high enough to go to Old Ascalon, but the storage seems to be linked. Can I purchase new storage from an NPC or something?
The Pointless
If you have Factions on your account, pop into Kaineng and buy Materials Storage from the Xunlai Rep. That is, assuming you have reached Lion's Arch

or you will need to make a mule character they help some
Or once u get a "stack" 250 of any material...find a merchant or player trader and sell any materials u don't need for your max end game armor. Also sell any runes u aren't going to to a Rune Trader in a bigger city and see what he sells them for....then either sell em to him or to others for a bit less. While it is nice to "hoard" items...sometimes its just overboard...I mean who really needs 2000 char carvings....:P
Originally Posted by Anti-Flag
I was wondering if there was a way to increase my storage space? ?
if so simply make a *mule* character for storage. (45 slots)
takes me less than 15 minutes fron creating to ready for storage in old ascalon
or Anet could just stop being lazy and make a proper storage...
I mean who actually uses less then those 20 slots and 250 for each material ?
I mean who actually uses less then those 20 slots and 250 for each material ?
Figure out what materials you need to hang onto for armor upgrades for your character(s) and sell off whatever materials you don't need. You'll make more money off it if you sell it to other players. (granite & bones are hard to sell this way) Keep the materials you need for each character's armor on that character. Same with runes* - don't hang on to ones you're not going to use. Also, don't hang on to non-max weapons or weapons mods - keep only the one's you're using.
*A tip: many runes, including all major runes except Vigor, are worth more when sold to the merchant in the armor it came on, so don't (expert) salvage them until you know that you can get more for the rune than what you can for the armor.
*A tip: many runes, including all major runes except Vigor, are worth more when sold to the merchant in the armor it came on, so don't (expert) salvage them until you know that you can get more for the rune than what you can for the armor.
Hephaestus Ram
Originally Posted by Franco
or Anet could just stop being lazy and make a proper storage...
I mean who actually uses less then those 20 slots and 250 for each material ? |
In some RL countries they have a thing called "money". What they do is
instead of storing everything they could possibly need, they just keep
a small amount on hand. Then they save this "money" stuff, and use
it to buy other things from places called "stores" when they need more.
Maybe we should try implementing something like that in the game.
Hmmm.... I think I'll put that idea in the game suggestions forum.

Tetris L
Originally Posted by Franco
or Anet could just stop being lazy and make a proper storage...
The Abbott
Originally Posted by Tetris L
I'm wondering myself why ANet refuse to increase storage space (forcing everybody to maintain mule characters), but there is one thing I'm sure about: It's not lazyness. It would be 15 minutes work for them to increase the number of slots.
have you ever wondered how much server space that will take?
Ram lol, I get your point there but there are people that dont want to spend anything or just dont want to spam w.t.s, runes, materials i usually just sell to the trader and other things like greens or golds i just keep them in there, but you see the point. mmm auction house yeah
Mule characters FTW.
To the OP, you said that you got a character to LA, just get a belt pouch and somebags and use the character as a storage mule
To the OP, you said that you got a character to LA, just get a belt pouch and somebags and use the character as a storage mule
They make money off people buying slots for mules lol, it's not lazyness, it's shady business practice imo.
lol, what the heck is 'shady' about it?!? that's ridiculous
nobody *needs* that extra character slot for a mule... its not like they are setting you up and forcing you to buy it. Its a convenience, people pay for it. A person can play the game and enjoy it just fine with one character and no storage mules. Storage is limited in order to maintain a balance in the economy. If folks had unlimited storage, there would be dumps causing shifts in prices to be controllable by a few or even one person.
nobody *needs* that extra character slot for a mule... its not like they are setting you up and forcing you to buy it. Its a convenience, people pay for it. A person can play the game and enjoy it just fine with one character and no storage mules. Storage is limited in order to maintain a balance in the economy. If folks had unlimited storage, there would be dumps causing shifts in prices to be controllable by a few or even one person.
I've yet to ever have need for a mule character. If I'm not going to use it, then I have no reason to keep it. Sure, I might get a really good green or gold that is worth having, but not if it's for a profession that I'm not going to play.
And I agree with an above statement, just sell off all your spare runes that you aren't going to use. I can see hoarding Vigors or something else extremely valueable, but don't hold onto everything. There just isn't any logical reason other than being a pack rat. The same goes with dyes, IMO. If it's not black or silver, just sell it. And if it is black or silver, but you aren't going to use it, sell it to another player.
BTW, I have Factions so I have the Materials Storage Upgrade which keeps my many stacks of materials from taking up any space. I suppose without it, I'd be a little more pressed for storage space, but I'd still have plenty of room without needing a mule.
And I agree with an above statement, just sell off all your spare runes that you aren't going to use. I can see hoarding Vigors or something else extremely valueable, but don't hold onto everything. There just isn't any logical reason other than being a pack rat. The same goes with dyes, IMO. If it's not black or silver, just sell it. And if it is black or silver, but you aren't going to use it, sell it to another player.
BTW, I have Factions so I have the Materials Storage Upgrade which keeps my many stacks of materials from taking up any space. I suppose without it, I'd be a little more pressed for storage space, but I'd still have plenty of room without needing a mule.
I've never needed a mule character either. I just stock up and take a day or two and focus on selling all my junk. Most everything goes to the merchant unless it's perfect or near perfect. I'm completely stocked up with common crafting materials and have a ton of rare mats as well. Imo, we don't need more storage, peeps just need to sell stuff.
Originally Posted by Tetris L
I'm wondering myself why ANet refuse to increase storage space (forcing everybody to maintain mule characters), but there is one thing I'm sure about: It's not lazyness. It would be 15 minutes work for them to increase the number of slots.

Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by Tetris L
I'm wondering myself why ANet refuse to increase storage space (forcing everybody to maintain mule characters), but there is one thing I'm sure about: It's not lazyness. It would be 15 minutes work for them to increase the number of slots.
Only thing worth keeping are purple/gold weapons either to sell or use. Everything else...nobody has a problem buying them from merchants.
An AH system would rock. And a larger bank
An AH system would rock. And a larger bank

The Pointless
Give me stackable upgrades and Upgrade storage any day. My storage is full of them (The demand for Fortitude, in my opinion, is nothing short of moronic)

Lord Sarevok
Would you rather Anet increased your storage space by making you buy it from the ingame store? The only storage boost I'd like to see is a tab for different keys, possible one for collector items too. They would function similarly to the materials tab.
Surely the point with storage is that we've still only got the same amount of storage for three chapters (bar the Factions material tab) that we began with for only one.
Quite frankly, we do need an extended storage option now that we're into eight character terrority when you link all chapters. Or at least a few more tabbed storage options like ones for dye, key's and armour.
My way to sort it out would be to introduce the ability to place a full ten slot bag into a single storage slot.
Quite frankly, we do need an extended storage option now that we're into eight character terrority when you link all chapters. Or at least a few more tabbed storage options like ones for dye, key's and armour.
My way to sort it out would be to introduce the ability to place a full ten slot bag into a single storage slot.
Annoy Mous
Main reason I bought another account was because of not enough storage space, though not so much for materials as for all the different armors and weapons to run different builds over my primary account's 6 chars. I think that they definetly should put in some other option that is directly related to storage, though I guess you could buy extra slots just for mules...
Originally Posted by Annoy Mous
Main reason I bought another account was because of not enough storage space, though not so much for materials as for all the different armors and weapons to run different builds over my primary account's 6 chars. I think that they definetly should put in some other option that is directly related to storage, though I guess you could buy extra slots just for mules...
I personally want a friggen key ring >_< I don't have a whole bunch but definately enough to need a place to store them, as of right now they are bouncing characters and locating them when I need them is a pain.
For those of you who have ever been to FoW or UW, do you leave that 50g junk laying on the ground or do you collect it and merch it when you come back up? There isn't enough inventory space to clear out all of UW unless you salvage nearly everything you come across. FoW is a bit better because of the forgemaster who THANKFULLY buys your needless crap off of you so that you can continue running around and earning. I'm not a rich person so I grab everything that drops so I can sell it and make a decent profit.
Personally I also don't want to be put in a tight spot for where I have to get rid of certain armors or special event things cause I just lack room in my inventory.
For those who aren't hurting for space yet, you will be when more chapters come out and then where will you be? Are you going to keep feeding the sink hole for more space or are you then going to start complaining about the need for more? Not everyone plays the game the same, but everyone should be able to enjoy it the same.
Go make a PvP character real quick if you are crunched for storage and you get 20 slots for free in his backpack.
Lupus Brock
<----------Pack Rat! I have 3 mules.

Originally Posted by Azagoth
Surely the point with storage is that we've still only got the same amount of storage for three chapters (bar the Factions material tab) that we began with for only one.
Quite frankly, we do need an extended storage option now that we're into eight character terrority when you link all chapters. Or at least a few more tabbed storage options like ones for dye, key's and armour. My way to sort it out would be to introduce the ability to place a full ten slot bag into a single storage slot. |
Kendar Muert
Thats all nice for those people with mules...but i dont have room for one, and dont want to make one. So what do I do? Nothing. I have very little space. This is due to the fact that i have 5 sets of Ele armor (one for each element and one for my fire/earth build), two for my monk(55 and normal), two for my necro(mm armor and tormentors), and a set of armor for all my other chars (6). I also have a weapon for each wep slot on all my guys, and i keep a Sup ID and a expert salvage on all my guys. Put it all together plus the stuff im keeping in storage for future characters, and i have almost no space to put stuff. Doesnt work. We need, at the least, armor storage.
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Lord Sarevok
Would you rather Anet increased your storage space by making you buy it from the ingame store? The only storage boost I'd like to see is a tab for different keys, possible one for collector items too. They would function similarly to the materials tab.
Yeah I am a bit mythed as to why people are automatically OFFERING to pay real life money for more storage when they should REALLY be voting for paying ingame gold.... I mean if it comes to paying real life money so be it but at least ASK for it to be ingame gold or free with expansions so that we can all benefit from it before semi forcing people to hand over credit card info >_<