Chest drop color


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

In game and in the odd post I have noticed some people can tell what color a drop will be from a chest before anything comes out of it. Can't say I've really tried looking for differences in-game to see how that can be determined. Anyone have an answer as to how you can tell?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


Well...while i was chest running in Whitmans for my first title lvl...I noticed that certain "chests' would always drop grapes....I don't think it is anything but expierence....certain chest locations always give grapes....while other loctions in the area generally give golds...So as far as telling what is gonna drop before hand it comes from expierence and knowledge of the area and the location of the chests.

Fattest Of The Fat

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Don't worry about it.

Looking for HA guild


There is no way to tell what color the chest will drop before opening the chest. All chests drop purple or gold items, but the only way to tell if the chest contains gold or purple items is to open it. I've got my third chest running title with about 693 high end chests opened, and I know that there is a reason we all roll a rediculous 100 sided die before opening a chest .



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

uhh i have a question: why would it matter? if you are going to open the chest anyways... you are going to find out eventually



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


Christian Expeditionary Force[CF]


The chest will have the same color drop for whoever opens it. In other words, if you are in a group and someone opens a chest and gets a purple item, you will also get a purple item from that chest. If they get a gold from a chest you will too. Hopefully this will answer your question

Chaco Nautzi

Chaco Nautzi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Dont Pwn Us Again [PLZ]


Originally Posted by Fattest Of The Fat
There is no way to tell what color the chest will drop before opening the chest. All chests drop purple or gold items, but the only way to tell if the chest contains gold or purple items is to open it. I've got my third chest running title with about 693 high end chests opened, and I know that there is a reason we all roll a rediculous 100 sided die before opening a chest .
What is the reason yo roll a ridiculous 100 sided die before opening chests?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by l)l2UNl(
uhh i have a question: why would it matter? if you are going to open the chest anyways... you are going to find out eventually
It would matter because if there is a way to tell it'll be a purple drop I might not open it.




Join Date: Jul 2006




What is the reason yo roll a ridiculous 100 sided die before opening chests?
The person who rolls lowest opens the chest first to check if its purple or gold.