What it is:Protect the castle is a new Challange mission.
Number of players:16 Players in form of 2 partys of 8.
Goal: The goal is to protect a castle from incoming waves, when the king dies you loose. There are 10 waves and the difficulty of them will increase with each wave. The castle is rather small, one balcoony where you can stand shooting, one BIG room and onother room after that were the king and his lifeguards stand. There will be gates between these rooms so Warriors and Assasin won't do anything good until the gates (rather fast) are blown up.
Possible exploits and solutions: 1) Healing the kind awfully much. Solution: You can only cast a heal on the king every 7th second. 2) In the healing competition (read: Rewards) one monk can win easy by healing a necro sacrificing life all the time. Solution: healingpoints won't be gained healing a player who has used a life-sacrificing spell, nor wielding a vampiric weapon.
Rewards: The rewards are very diverse. There will be a kind of scoreboard that will keep track of who does the work. There will be different competitions like who was the best healer? Which ranger shot the most arrows? What warrior took the most damage? Who made the most damage? Who implented the most conditions? And so on, the list of competitions can be very long. If you won a competition you are awarded 300g and some faction and 3 tokens (I'll explain them later). If you won the most competitions you will recieve 600g, some faction and 7 tokens!
And all that participate will gain 1 token and a small amount of factions for each monster that dies.
Tokens: Tokens are particular items you gain when you do this mission. You can turn them in at NPC in the city where you enter the mission. For 10 you get 1 platinum or a random golden item (no zodiac nor crystaline skins). And also some faction. If you turn in 5 you gain some faction and 500g or a random purple item. But if you turn in 100 tokens you will recieve this special weapon. It comes customized for you, so you can't sell it. You can choose skin, stats and mod. Also, all weapon you gain this way will have a little extra thing. Its a 1% chance that when you hit with this weapon you will summon 5 guardians that will help you for 20 sec. They do around 30 damage each and has 500 Hp. (THESE GUARDIANS WILL NEVER OCCUR IN PvP).
Hope you like the idea and get the concept.
Thanks for reading
Protect The Castle! New challange mission
[email protected]
However, how about implementing it into pvp? one attacking team, one defending. A bit like a guild battle, only more options ( different types of catapult and siege equipment, traps, etc. )
I don't like the rewards and the tokens though.
However, how about implementing it into pvp? one attacking team, one defending. A bit like a guild battle, only more options ( different types of catapult and siege equipment, traps, etc. )
I don't like the rewards and the tokens though.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
[email protected]
However, how about implementing it into pvp? one attacking team, one defending. A bit like a guild battle, only more options ( different types of catapult and siege equipment, traps, etc. ) I don't like the rewards and the tokens though. |
But seriously, I do like this type of mission, be it PvE or PvP. Hopefully it will show up some in Nightfall.
Marty Silverblade
This token thing is yelling out 'Farm me! Farm me!' I'd either remove it or make it alot harder to get gold items.
Zos Shivros Channel is basically defend the hill, so it is the same concept. Plus Fort Aspenwood is defend the castle already.