I want to buy a character slot from the ingame store.
I live in Australia so my copies of the game are European (that's what were officially imported). The game wasn't released here when it was released everywhere else, so many people bought the US versions from overseas and had them shipped in. I waited and thus have the EU keys.
Despite this I choose to play on the American servers on each of my 3 accounts. This is because it's a lot less laggy and the time zones work better for me, plus I have US and Canadian friends that I play with every day.
The credit card that is paying for these character slots is American (my boyfriend is from Cali).
When I go into the store it's charging me £5.99 for each slot which is over US$11. And I know $1 or $2 doesn't seem like much but if I buy 6 slots I could have pretty much gotten one of them for free! We already don't get our own servers and now they're giving us even fewer options.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there was some option in your PlayNC account to switch which currency you pay with.