23 Oct 2006 at 16:02 - 4
Well first off, WELCOME to Guild Wars!
And secondly, prepare for a different MMO then you have ever played before! This game is considered more action then roleplaying. This is by no means a bad thing, nor does it take away from unique story lines, and the PvE side of things... I am hoping you will love it!
Third, rather then just answer your questions, i will talk a bit about PvP. Honestly, the only way you will ever become proficient or effective in PvP, is to spend 1 or 2 months playing PvE, jumping into the Random Arenas, watching some GvG matches in Observer Mode, and browsing forums like this for ideas, playstyles and builds. Truely, it can take that long. Even a person who has tons and tons of experience playing other RPG games in PvP OR PvE, you still will have to deeply familiarize yourself.
When Nightfall comes you will have 8 classes and HUNDREDS of skills to learn, along with the basic game mechanics, and strategies. Here are specific steps i suggest to prepare for PvP ASAP.
1: Join a guild ASAP! Having a small community can help immensly in answering questions, helping wih quests and missions, and helping you understand PvP.
2: Play the PvE story line ALL the way through for either chapter with at least two different classes.
3: Play in the Random Arena, trying 3-4 different classes (roll a PvP character). Do this for a week or more. (Can also try Team Arenas and Alliance Battles)
4: Through all this time, you should be constantly scouring this forum for normal PvE buids, PvP builds, strategies, etc.
5: Watch Guild vs Guild (GvG) matches in the Observer Mode (b key). (You should be doing this anytime you get tired of PvE, or Random Arenas)
6: Try and get a guild group together to play in Heroes Ascent. The fast paced nature of battles here will help ensure many battles for PvP experience and will help force you to learn to adapt and create/utilize specific team builds. (Try and do this consistantly for at least a week.)
7: You have now reached the second highest tier for the PvP platform. The highest, and probly most obvious are Guild vs Guild matches. You are not necessesarily ready for these yet at this point, however, if your guild is willing and does not care about rank, you can start trying to use GvG builds and fight/practice in them.
8: Congrats you have/should have learned most of GW mechanics, gameplay styles, some PvP builds, and team strategies allowing you to be somewhat effective in PvP. Keep practicing, keep playing cause there is almost ALWAYS something to learn.
With Nightfall comes even more builds, strategies and ideas for classes and PvP builds, so be excited for even MORE crazy fun!
hope that all helped! (btw, it was all just my opinion to get newbies into PvP as fast as possible, it is NOT necessarily the best way...