Tick, Tock. I'm new. :) (Niewbz0r)

King Flevance

King Flevance

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Okie dokie. I just recently was handed a key thanks to an awesome member of this board, Tobias Funke. I then downloaded the client, and have been told I should let it run at the login screen so the game will be faster since it is a fresh install. So I figured I would go ahead and get this part out of the way. Post on this board to talk to passer-byers and ask some questions about the game as I wait. This is a pretty relaxed board which cool for an MMO. The only other one I really liked was Silkroad Online's but it is pretty messy and this one (probably due to the fact it is a fan site, but even extra kudos for that.) is pretty clean and easy to navigate.

Random Question 1: Is the login screen suppose to say Nightfall on it right now or do I have the wrong client downloaded?
Random Question 2: How long should I let this run? (I have no plans or anything for the rest of the day already.)
The login screen looks really great. I can't wait to run around inside the game. The fact it is free kind of worries me because it makes me wonder the catch. But if anyone has played that Silkroad game I mentioned earlier, well, lets say that game is really decent for be free. But it has some drawback for not paying. But that game has a whole differnet source of income for the game not worth going into for no reason. But it did me think about question 3.

Random Question 3: How good is charactor creation options on here? (After picking sex.)
Random Question 4: At anytime during charactor creation can you pick a "customized color"?
Can simple multiplication give you the max amount of possible charactor designs or long multiplication? This is a big drawback to SRO. It is pretty simple in its charactor design but I did learn that this doesn't bother me as much as I thought. But good charactor creation does score big browny points with me.

Anyways, I plan on buying Guild Wars later this week. Which one I am not sure. I am leaning mostly towards prophecies and Nightfall but having a hard time deciding which is better for a new player that wants to go into PvP ASAP. However, we are also talking about learning a new game system entirely so I will probably be making a "main" first. I don't know what class.

Random Question 5: If you ranked the top 5 classes in the game for pvp, what would they be?
If my main ends up pvp'ing "cool", if not "oh well" though is how I see it. I know I am going to want to play around with the leveling system a bit on my first guy and probably mess some stuff up and use him for exploration and recon purposes anyways. Or something. I really don't have alot of knowledge on the game and usually don't like trying to guess based off of proffesional sources of information on the net before making my decision. Message boards are great though.

Anyways, I gotta hook up some cable to my TV and probably hook up my Xbox again to play while I wait. I will check back to see if anyone has replied after I get all this stuff up and going right.


Havre Fras

Havre Fras

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006


Random Question 1: Is the login screen suppose to say Nightfall on it right now or do I have the wrong client downloaded?

Yeah, its kinda advertising the new chapter, trying to make more people interested in it so they buy NF.

Random Question 2: How long should I let this run? (I have no plans or anything for the rest of the day already.)

For a while, I suppose. I never really leave it at the log in screen, I just log in and play and let the things download as I load.

Random Question 3: How good is charactor creation options on here? (After picking sex.)

Wouldn't say its cracking, but its reasonable. Pick your heght, face, hair style, hair colour and skin tone and thats about all you can do. Oh, and change the colour of your starter armour. :S

Random Question 4: At anytime during charactor creation can you pick a "customized color"?

Nope. Shame, really.

Random Question 5: If you ranked the top 5 classes in the game for pvp, what would they be?

I'm no PvP whizz so i'll let someone else answer that. xD

Oh, and enjoy playing!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Top for PvP is touchy

For HA


For GvG


Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


Well first off, WELCOME to Guild Wars!

And secondly, prepare for a different MMO then you have ever played before! This game is considered more action then roleplaying. This is by no means a bad thing, nor does it take away from unique story lines, and the PvE side of things... I am hoping you will love it!

Third, rather then just answer your questions, i will talk a bit about PvP. Honestly, the only way you will ever become proficient or effective in PvP, is to spend 1 or 2 months playing PvE, jumping into the Random Arenas, watching some GvG matches in Observer Mode, and browsing forums like this for ideas, playstyles and builds. Truely, it can take that long. Even a person who has tons and tons of experience playing other RPG games in PvP OR PvE, you still will have to deeply familiarize yourself.

When Nightfall comes you will have 8 classes and HUNDREDS of skills to learn, along with the basic game mechanics, and strategies. Here are specific steps i suggest to prepare for PvP ASAP.

1: Join a guild ASAP! Having a small community can help immensly in answering questions, helping wih quests and missions, and helping you understand PvP.

2: Play the PvE story line ALL the way through for either chapter with at least two different classes.

3: Play in the Random Arena, trying 3-4 different classes (roll a PvP character). Do this for a week or more. (Can also try Team Arenas and Alliance Battles)

4: Through all this time, you should be constantly scouring this forum for normal PvE buids, PvP builds, strategies, etc.

5: Watch Guild vs Guild (GvG) matches in the Observer Mode (b key). (You should be doing this anytime you get tired of PvE, or Random Arenas)

6: Try and get a guild group together to play in Heroes Ascent. The fast paced nature of battles here will help ensure many battles for PvP experience and will help force you to learn to adapt and create/utilize specific team builds. (Try and do this consistantly for at least a week.)

7: You have now reached the second highest tier for the PvP platform. The highest, and probly most obvious are Guild vs Guild matches. You are not necessesarily ready for these yet at this point, however, if your guild is willing and does not care about rank, you can start trying to use GvG builds and fight/practice in them.

8: Congrats you have/should have learned most of GW mechanics, gameplay styles, some PvP builds, and team strategies allowing you to be somewhat effective in PvP. Keep practicing, keep playing cause there is almost ALWAYS something to learn.

With Nightfall comes even more builds, strategies and ideas for classes and PvP builds, so be excited for even MORE crazy fun!

hope that all helped! (btw, it was all just my opinion to get newbies into PvP as fast as possible, it is NOT necessarily the best way...




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


There is a hrm not necessarily quicker but more convientent(spelling) way to make sure u have all the files downloaded before starting the game. Under your properties for you GW icon put -image after the command line... should look something like this if u use windows

"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image

Let that run and it will download all the files for the game...it also gives u a "status" bar. Since u are using a trial key i would suggest downloading first then playing afterwards that way it won't interfere with your "playing"

I would definetly suggest playing a "main" character thru the pve as it will help u in PVP later on...since u learn the mechanics of the game. Although u can start a Pure PVP player at your first go...but u will not have many skills unlocked.

As far as which chapter to buy. I would suggest Nightfall ...since it is new and that is where most of the people will be at..at least for the first month or so. Also Prophecies is more PVE oriented where as factions is more PVP. If u only own one chapter u will be at a slight disadvantage in pvp since u will not have access to all the skills from the other chapters. Although u can purchase Prophecy skills for PVP use from the online store.

Have fun in GW and hope u purchase it after your trial.. If u need any advice on PVE...PM me in game... Coridan A (sorry not much on pvp)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


if you are ranked top 16 guild in Guild vs Guild you are eliegable to enter in playoffs to win cash sometimes up to $100,000.

King Flevance

King Flevance

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Cool thanks guys. I think I will make a monk tonight for my main. It kind of fits in with the kind of charactor I was looking at making anyways. From my vision of what a monk is though, could be something else entirely in a VG. lol. But it'll be cool in its own way most likely.

Random Question 6: How much of your appearance in the game distinguish your looks from others? Does everyone look the same alot in the game? Or not so much?
Not really a big woopty do for me. I like the charactor design that you described, Havre Fras. But just curious to how much armor and stuff like that distinguish your looks based on what you have equipped.
Thanks for the list, Tainek. I know there is probably minor debates on accuracy of it but this helps give me a general idea of not only what to make but also who to look for in the game as well.

Random Question 7: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? And what exactly is a woodchuck?
Thanks guys you have cleared up alot. Now all the waiting to play...

King Flevance

King Flevance

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Batou of Nine, thanks for all the information. I may be refferencing this thread once I buy the game this week. That was alot of good information that I don't exactly know how to do but I know how to figure it out once I get the game.

I know alot of games it is crucial to play PvE first and then go to PvP. But I am hoping to find a PvP guild that just wants to be fighting buddies and are really pretty relaxed about protocol. I have been in high protocol guilds in other games and I don't prefer it. Namely, in regards to PvP which is where protocol hits the hardest in most games.I want something along the lines of logging in and saying "Lets go kill some people." And being able to without all kinds of nonsense.

But like I said I have been in some guilds with higher protocols and understand there is always a learning curve but in a guild it isn't as steep so long as there is people to answer some basic questions. Which I do need to find a guild for sure it is even in the name. lol.

Random Question 8: Is there an easy way to find all the guilds that are recruiting currently?
Coridan, thanks for that juicy stack of info. You cleared up alot in that tiny post as to my views on a few things. Then gave me the -image thing, which I am about to go check out. I am definately going to purchase it. Most likely have it Nightfall this week. I think I will miss out on the pre-order deals this late but I don't mind.

Random Question 9: Is there any way to pre-order this late for the extra charactor slot in Nightfall?
llsektorll, That is cool info I may look into to watch at least just for the fun of it. Thanks.

Jeremy Untouchable

Jeremy Untouchable

Wow Stole my freetime

Join Date: Mar 2006




wellcome! many guilds dont care about rank and will let anyone put up a gvg at any time, Find a guild like that to learn in



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Answer to Question 8 - no easy way, although there is an "Introduce your guild" thread on this forum site.

Answer to Question 9 - call your local game stores and ask if they have pre-order package available. If you buy it with a Nightfall game pre-order (which is being released on Oct 27th) it's usually only $5. You get the extra character slot plus special weapons for Dervish and Paragon.

As to PvP,
-- there is HA (Hero's Ascent) part of the PvE, which determines which server has favor. Favor allows that server's players to go to The Underworld and Fissure of Woe (elite mission areas). Players earn fame points which determine their personal PvP rank.

-- Random Arenas and Team Arenas on the Battle Isles

-- GvG, which is guild vs guild battles and determine ranking on the seasonal ladder. Top ranked guilds have seasonal championships and are invited to play in gaming convention competitions with cash prizes.

Check out guildwiki.org, the wiki associated with this game. It covers all aspects of the game. This is vital as GW does not have gameplay manual.

King Flevance

King Flevance

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Thanks Darcy. I think my best bet is grabbing Nightfall if I can get the pre-order package otherwise to just go ahead and get prophecies. I bet it has alot of the "bread-and-butter" skills. I will call around to see what I can find.

Also thanks for the rundown on the PvP areas. I don't know if I will ever compete that heavy. I would like to but I want alot of PvP experience before tackling anything like that. It is real cool that the game offers it though for sure.
HA seems like the stuff you have to focus on which is cool. Without something to focus on, pvp systems can get dull fast.

You all have truly been a big help giving me an answer for every question I have had so far concerning the game. I have heard some bad stuff on guild wars but nothing really concrete. Always a scewed opinion view - if you know what I am talking about. An opinionated answer. However, I have heard some good stuff too. So I always looked at it on the shelf but never bought it. I have never met anyone I knew well enough that had played the game. Just random people that said they had and did/didn't like it. Sometimes no reason other than "No, I didn't like it." or "Yeah, its pretty cool." and that was it.
So this is the first time I have actually set out to look and see for myself and I like it so far. Even though I haven't played. But I like what I have learned so far in my search of info on it.

I think I have like 2 gigs downloaded so far. Wowzas.

King Flevance

King Flevance

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wiewt! I am ready to go. hehe. I am going to activate my code and hop on to look over the introduction system.

Thanks again everyone.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


Random Question 7: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? And what exactly is a woodchuck?

The name woodchuck (groundhog) has nothing etymologically to do with wood. It stems from an Algonquian name for the animal (possibly Narragansett), wuchak. The apparent relationship between the two words has led to the common tongue twister: "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? — A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can't chuck wood" (alternative second verse: "He would chuck what a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.").


Site Contributor

Join Date: Jul 2005


Most used PvP classes:
1/2) Warrior and Monk
3) Mesmer
4) E/Mo
5) Ranger

I highly suggest just making a PvE warrior and putting as much in your weapon stat as you possibly can (if you run axe you want 16 axe mastery.) You can fight though most of PvE fairly easily that way.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by Coridan
(alternative second verse: "He would chuck what a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.").
Actually, I believe it goes

"he could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood"

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


If you look in the upper right hand corner of your screen, you will see a little yellow lightning bolt when it is downloading. If you don't see the lightning bolt, you are done downloading.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
If you look in the upper right hand corner of your screen, you will see a little yellow lightning bolt when it is downloading. If you don't see the lightning bolt, you are done downloading.
Not always totally accurate! It sometimes decides to load another little lightning bolt while you play and cause extreme lag.

Take the advice of Coridan on this one: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image

is your friend!