Let me start by saying, I love how the paragon played and its overall look and feel. That said, customization was at a minimum on the paragon in terms of dying colors on the armor. This is because the one hair style I liked on the female paragon has the head piece with the eagle that is gold in color. Now, you change the color of all the armor pieces (say purple *wink*) and the head piece stays gold. It clashes in such an aweful way. I hope they end up linking the head piece art to the chest armor so that the two can be the same color and not look so awkward. This can carry over into other profession primaries as well. Several art styles for the hair and face end up clashing with the armor when its dyed something other then the original color (and even sometimes then). Honestly, I didnt mind the gold so much, but after seeing half a million gold paragons in the preview weekend, I wanted something to stand out, that didnt look like she got up on the wrong side of the bed that morning and threw on a mismatched outfit. Other then that, the paragon is about perfect to my playing style. I really do hope Anet fixes that across all the professions.
My only issue with Paragon
I was dissapointed in general with the customization of most of the classes presented during the event.