Map Travel Question
Yesterday I was questing with someone and helping them get the -50 off hand. My partner needed to get something from another town so I told him I would wait for him. He warped and took me with him? I have never had this happen before. Only solo with henchmen. This may be a stupid question, but if your partner has been in Droks and you have not could he warp you there? Or since we both have been to the other location we were able to jump together to that town.
Dr Wu
...nope..the town has to be on your map to warp there.
I assume you use henchies a lot as this feature was implemented a really long time ago. You can even form teams in the guild hall and if you exit to your last location which is the destination for the team it makes it easy to get together - assuming everyone has it on map.
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Painbringer
This may be a stupid question, but if your partner has been in Droks and you have not could he warp you there?
Can anyone say instant ascension and lvl 3s at Ice Caves? Good reasons for the lack of map travel for entire party that hasn't been to the location. It also would make endgame greens in Cantha quite interesting. A bunch of lvl 1s beating Shiro for amulets...
Fungus Amongus
Keep in mind this feature only works if the group leader uses map travel.
Yes I am a closet hencher and only group with PUG for few Missions for a change. Thanks for the replies my question has been answered. You can close this thread.
Titan Chrae
From the original post we can conlude:
1) Both chracters had been to the town/outpost warped to previously.
2) The party was in a town/outpost when the leader warped out.
2) The other guy was the leader of the party since they both traveled to the new town.
Nothing in the post leads me to believe this was an anomoly. (eg..they warped from an explorable area)
This is how map travel has worked for a while now.
1) Both chracters had been to the town/outpost warped to previously.
2) The party was in a town/outpost when the leader warped out.
2) The other guy was the leader of the party since they both traveled to the new town.
Nothing in the post leads me to believe this was an anomoly. (eg..they warped from an explorable area)
This is how map travel has worked for a while now.