Originally Posted by Minus Sign
A rebuttal to OP: Don’t forget, you call this tactic both a “disservice to the community” and “terrible advice”. All this leads me to believe that you’ve never done it and that you had made up your mind going into this thread that it was and would remain poor use of a skill. So: I’m glad to hear that you are more open minded than your OP makes you sound but I stand by my advice. Learn this tactic and learn it well. The benefits to using IHex and RHex to their full potential are pointed out multiple times in this thread. Keep in mind, many hexes have the potential to REDUCE damage as much as some prot spells while they are up by slowing attack, increasing miss % with attacks, increasing %chance for interrupts (shutdown a skill=what damage?), or snaring targets. And all this in turn can help you help your team kill targets more quickly. Dead players deal less damage and players casting a 3 second sig are sitting ducks.
This is what I said:
Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I think this is terrible advice, since a monk will likely not have the attributes to support its use, and a monk should simply not waste the energy or take the time to stand still to cast. I think teaching such a tip to the general masses, especially to those who could learn from an article discussing how to beat the Zaishen is a terrible disservice to the community.
Maybe it didn't come through clear enough, but what I was trying to say was that I feel this advice will be taken by new players (see "especially to those who could learn from an article discussing how to beat the Zaishen") who really don't take into account the issues discussed in this thread. My point was that this is not something I think should be taught to new players, as it is GENERALLY a bad idea. Yes, there are some limited, good occasions to recast the hex, but they are rare. You mention that many hexes are able to do many good things, such as reduce damage, slowing attacks, increase miss %. Yes. But how long do they last and what is the miss % when you have 0 points in their attribute ? Not very. There are others, like Deep Freeze, that has a 10% snare regardless of Water Magic level, but that costs a whopping 25e. Also, when you mention "shutdown a skill", I am assuming you are talking about removing Diversion from a teammate, because you can't use Inspired Hex to remove it from yourself. Anyways, my point is, and it has been discussed by various posts in this thread, that it takes experience to be able to make good decisions about whether to recast a stolen hex, and this article is directed at an audience without that knowledge. So, no, I haven't dismissed the idea of recasting it out of hand, but I do believe it is terrible advice to its intended audience, and is thus a disservice to the community to give such advice with only the caveat that you have excess energy and your team isn't taking damage. Parts, which, in my opinion, will be lost on the new monk looking to do damage because it's fun.
Originally Posted by Minus Sign
The build itself is largly outdated now (something I'm not happy about; but its a fact that changes in skills and counters to the build are rampant in PvP today) and most players will be shifting even further away from the staple BP when Nightfalls skills hit the game in a few days. So while I've enjoyed this discussion as a simple exercise, the entire point is somewhat moot.
Again, you and other experienced players consider this build outdated, but guess what, ANet just put this article on their website, so people who don't know any better will use it. It's not
that moot.
BTW, there have been many posts with various good times when recasting can be a good idea - good info.